Imagine all of this talent going to work for grapheneOS and/or hardware company willing to make a phone with grapheneOS as its OS.
Imagine all of this talent going to work for grapheneOS and/or hardware company willing to make a phone with grapheneOS as its OS.
I'd rather see phones with Ubuntu Touch, PostMarketOS, and Mobian OS's.
T [email protected] shared this topic on
I’m ready for Linux-phone, but maybe GraphineOS is my gateway. I’m tired of my iPhone not doing the things it should.
it is also doing a lot of shit it shouldn't
I've been trying to take ownership of my data and simplify my digital life. The greatest barrier to this by far is Apple/iOS.
Sure am glad I picked that walled garden 15 years ago, when I was none the wiser.
I have to use an iPhone for work and I don't understand a vast amount of the UI choices - and that's before data fuckery.
Same, I'm really tired of the annoying Android logic. I wish we could have a logical OS where we could manage our files properly instead of the filesystem mess we currently have with stuff all over the place.
Does grapheneOS have paid devs or is it all volunteer work? And if they do pay devs, how do they get the money to pay them?
Lead dev accepts donations for the project (username "thestinger" on github)
What do you want to know how to do?
Isn't android technically linux?
That was one thing that was wild about the Palm WebOS devices. It was just plain old linux. Games? They were just Linux games using SDL. Porting WebOS applications to desktop linux would have been nearly trivial. It would have just been amazing if Palm had pulled it off (alas, they chased a single design, Blackberry-style with small form factor, which missed just so much of the market). The users were utterly oblivious to all this (which is good) and it was just the best combination of capable of great things easily with a power user and able to run whatever the casual user would have needed.
It was still before Android was pretty much a sealed deal in the market (2009 Android was still horribly rough) so it had a shot, but Palm just couldn't pull it off.
I dunno to be honest.
Just give me mobile Debian, and I’ll be happier.
Same. They just don't do what I need on my phone. Hopefully that changes, but PinePhone HW kinda sucks (poor battery life and audio quality), and most of the other phones w/ Linux support have some pretty serious caveats.
Why would you rather see that over graphene? Don't know enough about either
Because graphene is just android without makeup
Not only that, but they apparently also get large amounts of donations in crypto currencies. They also allow donating via PayPal or bank transfer. They set up a whole Canadian non-profit foundation in 2023. GrapheneOS isn't a small niche project anymore, it's actually a sizable organization with paid staff (see @[email protected]
I'm using a pixel 3a xl with ubuntu touch. Works great!
Oh man... What a great phone. Awesome multi tasking. Wifi charging standard. A back button that actually worked. A slide out keyboard. They just could spool up an app ecosystem quickly enough to gain traction...