Senior Conservative MP says UK must consider possibility ‘Trump is a Russian asset’ -
If this Russian support structure isn’t recognized and dealt with, Trump just be replaced by the next Russian stooge.
I 100% agree, but what makes me scratch my noggin' is the fact that people in London finance have (jokingly?) nicknamed the City of London as "Londongrad" because there's so much Russian money. Makes it feel like the entire 1% is a Russian asset, which can't be right.
Trump was democratically elected, what are your plans against that?
The USA could use a new electoral system with proportional representation and a new constitution with a weaker president and stronger checks and balances. The two party system needs to end. Laws surrounding political advertising and public financing of political parties should be introduced to get some money out of politics.
Replace common law with civil law to no longer depend on precedent so much. Finally introduce the metric system while you’re at it.
In a broken system full of voter suppression. What was your point? Ahh yes, to legitimize a con man.
...which the democrats upheld during the entirety of the elections. Are the Russians behind the dems too?
So was Hitler. Thing is, natural law and positive law can diverge significantly, meaning ctitizens will sometimes have to organize against the products of positive law to preserve their decency and freedom.
I prefer my oligarchy representatives to at least pretend they care, but I am not about to carry water for the Democratic Party.
At a certain point the two sides of the same coin falls apart. That point for me is local elections with issues about homelessness. The conservatives campaign to eliminate homelessness by trying to drive them away. The progressives try to solve the actual problems and get people help.
Like the Tories weren't a hop skip and a jump away from him before Reform split their vote.
Doesn't anyone remember the veiled threat Putin publicly gave Trump when he took office again? It was something along the lines of Putin re-emphasizing who was truly in charge... as if he had some kind of blackmail on Trump.
Hitler never won absolute majority vote in an election, but I get your point.
I agree fundamentally with what you say even if I don't believe in a natural law, that's why I'm a socialist. So I suggest everyone to organise, to unionize their workplace, to build mutual aid structures in their local areas, and to join a revolutionary socialist party.
What, does the UK want to go to war with the combined might of the USA and the USSR?!
The Steele Dossier said as much and that was what, 5 or 6 years ago?
Trump is well known to have been a Russian asset going as far back as 1987.