Anybody here use Asahi Linux?
Before I bought that mbp m2pro with 16g of ram (discounted because of M3 being all the rage at the time), I did my homework and compared: nothing framework / thinkpad comes close in price with that processing power, battery life and screen
I don't especially like them, I certainly despise the company, it's branding and ethos, but these are competitively priced actually
Asahi doesn't wipe macos by default (you can do it but it is an extra step) ; the Asahi install splits your system in two, and you can choose how much space to allocate to each
As an everyday distro, it's pretty much stock fedora with possibly a few missing niche software - think Bitwig if you're into that, you will have Ardour / Pipewire etc but not (yet) Bitwig, which is proprietary and would need them to compile for aarm64.
So it depends on your use case. For "general computing" it absolutely works, for more specialised stuff you should check beforehand. I use it as a DAW mostly, with the occasional Kdenlive bout of editing now and then. Oh, and Steam ! We have gaming now it works great. The install process is so smooth, trying it out is a 30 minute affair, tops.
I'd ask the question of why a mac tho : I can't do without because of one macos soft I need IRL (QLab), and the very existence of Asahi allowed me to overcome my repulsion for apple products and buy the thing, heavily discounted. I'm 90% on the Asahi side, only rebooting on macos for live performances.
They are competitively priced for what they are, but I don't trust them to be particularly solid nowadays, I hate the keyboard and the coldness of the case. Also eal-life use make them feel like a snappy i7, not some crazy supercomputer.
Well the question is specifically about Asahi though. It's a Linux distro that runs on the hardware, but almost none of the actual features work to the user's benefit since only the basics of the SoC drivers have been reverse engineered.
We're a bit further than that I'd say : yes battery life not as good, sleep eats through battery a bit much and stuff, but as hardware (and everyday life) goes, it's running pretty well: if you get all outputs, WiFi, BT, keyboard backlighting, sleep and resume, excellent sound output (thanks adahi-audio and its crazy good DSP's), correct screen def with scaling, what exactly are you missing?
Even my cheapo rj45-to-usbc adapter works.
Some months ago I was missing a particular piece of CAD software, but that just popped up a few weeks ago (QCad).
As hardware goes, beside not being able to rely much on sleep, everything else works (for me).
It's good, a lot of good work going on, what they already have is impressive and the development seems pretty active and progressing well.
But if you're buying a laptop to run Linux and don't plan to use macOS, I really think there are a lot of better options out there (depending on what's important to you). You're going to pay the Apple premium price for a computer, and though apple computers are good hardware, they're expensive and largely overpriced for small upgrades. Whatever price you find for a refurbished M2, take that money and go find a laptop known to be well supported on Linux, it'll just be a better experience and you'll probably get more for your money.
I haven't run Asahi in 6+ months but thunderbolt/usb4 wasn't working when I last used it so I couldn't use my usb dock. Video was OK but I think Audio was sketchy (don't remember specifics). It's stuff that will get fixed at some point but right now it feels like a handful of minor annoyances or inconveniences
Even in 1-2 years when Asahi gets some updates and is in a better spot (I really do expect it to be) I still don't think I'd lean towards a macbook with Asahi over something else if Linux is the only OS you're going to run. Of course, if you're looking to dabble with some iOS development or something else you need a mac for, but don't want to live in MacOS, then Asahi's a great option to get you back to Linux.
Well allow me to retort:
"Works" is not the same as "works well". As you mentioned, the bare minimum of it working has been achieved...kudos I guess.
The hardware is proprietary, and without someone devoting a LOT of time to reverse engineering the drivers to a point of, let's say, 90% functionality, there is literally no point except to say "I can run a Linux kernel on this thing".
The point of even having the hardware to begin with is the battery lifetime with the power draw from the SoC. As you noted, you don't get that benefit from Asahi. Not the full GPU power, or the audio hardware, or the networking, or the onboard security features, or the network offloading...I can go on.
Why would anyone buy a machine that is designed to run a specific OS, just to run a different OS on it and lose all the benefits of running that hardware in the first place? Bragging rights?
It's a stupid purchase if you just want a good Linux machine. Framework is a much better buy.
I actually switched back to Asahi on my M1 Macbook Air this weekend, and while it works well enough for me to stick to it for now, I would definitely not buy Apple Silicon hardware for Linux next time. I'm running Fedora Asahi Remix on Gnome with Wayland for reference. Fingerprint sensor isn't working, microphone is "WIP" according to the feature table, etc. Battery life is significantly worse, especially standby, so if you use it for traveling a lot it's not that great. I might boot back into MacOS if I bring it with me on vacation honestly. It is also not nearly as "smooth". Scrolling stutters etc. Nothing that actually impacts the speed of what you do though. This is probably not an issue for most I would think, but for the Norwegian keyboard I had to manually edit the config to get access to the apostrophe: '. In general, it is a bit annoying that it has
a different keyboard layout than every other computer I use.There can be some compatibility issues, Discord isn't or at least wasn't running on Linux Arm, but there are 3rd party clients that do. Games are probably also not great, although I can't say I have tested after the Vulkan update. Last time I went back to MacOS so I could play Balatro on vacation. Other than that I don't really use that many apps on my laptop, and haven't missed any.
Then there is a Gnome specific quirk: touchpad scrolling is way too fast, and it isn't configurable in the settings. There are some "hacky" workarounds around, but they seem to be outdated and failed on me. For now I have just adjusted the scroll speed in my browser to like 20% of the default and it seems to work okay. You do kinda get used to it I guess. You can adjust scroll speed in KDE just fine, so if you prefer KDE that isn't an issue.
I like it, but the microphone doesn't work. They were supposed to make it work last summer, but the work hasn't began for it yet. Without it, I can't do calls to my mom, so I don't use it anymore.
I used it for a while with an m2 macbook perhaps half a year ago, but ended up getting a PC so I wouldn't have to deal with so much jank.
Daym, I though those things are tanks. Which model?
Whatever price you find for a refurbished M2, take that money and go find a laptop known to be well supported on Linux, it'll just be a better experience and you'll probably get more for your money.
not an apple user, but apple is well known for their build quality. what other laptop manufacturer is on par with apple's build quality?
unfortunately not all thinkpads are made the same. it seems that, for a while now, lenovo takes a bunch of cheaper laptops and slaps the thinkpad label on them
i personally had a better experience with dell's latitude line, but ymmv
Apple computers ARE really well put together, maybe no other maker exactly as good. But I’d say the Microsoft Surface line is a similar quality. Razer too though they’re pretty expensive.
Asus zephyrus laptops are pretty great build quality, close to Apple but without the same kind of pricing and markup gouging we get from Apple
Im not an apple hater, they make some great stuff. My point above was just that they don’t have competition in the “I need a Mac” space so their hardware isn’t competitively priced. And their build quality is great, but not every laptop needs to be built like a tank with top of the line components.
I think people in the Linux community have a predisposition to call Apple products "low quality", but as someone with an M2 Pro MacBook and a Framework 16, the Framework feels like cheap, mushy garbage in comparison. The Framework is still really cool for other reasons, but build quality is not one of them.
The speakers on MacBooks are actually really good (the Framework speakers sound like absolute shit), and the OLED screen + keyboard & trackpad can't be beat. I would run Asahi on it if it supported more than 60Hz on the built-in display and the mic worked. If those two things don't matter to you, you might really enjoy Asahi on a Mac.
You're gonna pay an absurd amount of money for a disposable laptop, only to remove the best thing about it...?
You've heard it several times, now, but once again: Asahi works really well for what it is, but it's definitely a compromised experience. For example, on my M1 Macbook Air I cannot plug in a USB-C dongle and then plug in an external monitor. The driver support just isn't there. I think if I had an Macbook Pro with a built-in HDMI port I would be able to use that... but alas, I do not.
If you want to use macOS and then use Linux on the side now and again in a dual boot setup, sure. If you want to use 100% Linux on your computer... there are better supported options.
Lol, this is a new perspective for me. I don’t dislike macOS, but would like to have Linux 100x more. Customizable and no vendor lock in. Although more battery usage, probably.
I love the MacBook for its build quality, the touchpad and the screen. But macOS, it’s just there. I don’t mind it, but I’d rather have Linux.What do you specifically like about macOS in comparison to Linux?
And sorry if I sound rude, I think I do, but I mean I’m curious and have a strong opinion. -
What do you specifically like about macOS in comparison to Linux?
I mean mostly that it works and is easy and intuitive, and has a single dedicated version of every piece of software that's made.
I like Linux as an alternative to Windows but it's a nightmare to figure out how to use.
Didn't its main maintainer step down recently after the Rust 4 Linux drama? Wonder if it has enough contributors to keep it alive