As Europeans, how is the mood among you Americans since Trump started making lots of political decisions?
Just wondering if you guys are okay over there.
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They'll be fiiine, the whole world will be fine.
People tend to over-exaggerate how shitty of a president Trump is.
I mean, imagine if Hitler was at the center of "world order"
Remember, folks, whenever there's a change in society, there will be an exchange of wealth.
So quit complaining and see how you can use it to land cash on your pockets!
Gallows humor while I watch from afar.
Yep, totally no biggie that Fascism's now thoroughly rooted in a Superpower nation and that millions of people are, yet again, being persecuted because rich douchebags think themselves kings. Just a regular Tuesday.
Worried. Hoping something good will come from it, somehow. Like an EU that gets its shit together and becomes more independent and builds new relationships with better countries than the US.
It’s a billionaire trough. None of us can afford to buy the education system, as one example.
I can't say I'm too surprised. My country isn't devoid of shitty politicians only interested in leeching wealth either, nor in dumbass voters, but as far as I can tell US policy is exclusively moved by bribes from rich people.
I can't tell what the many groups of voters were thinking since I don't live there and I only see what makes its way to the Internet, but is it really that surprising that a perfect puppet ends up in the perfect place for a puppet to be, with a puppet master behind him?
There’s a dissonant sense of disbelief at just how brazenly the conservative machine in America initiates its agenda.
I'm scared out of my mind about Trump and his billionaire cabinet. I hope the Maga Americans wise up soon. Trump isn't going to help them and it's too late for all of us Americans.
Personally, I'm worried and empathetic towards the good people affected in USA. Leaning back and enjoying the show when republican voters get their faces eaten by leopards. Not too worried about how it will affect us economically as it just is another maelstrom of international turbulence going on. Everything is quite unstable and unpredictable right now so it's just another chaotic parameter. Unfortunately the sum of it all is paving the road for fascism to rise here as well when people feel unsafe and want order and vote for the ones with the loudest and easiest solutions to everything that is complex and scary. I think my social circles are pretty much the same, give or take some details.
Best representation of what the US is all about in history.
I've been in a cycle of doom scrolling to educate myself on the current state, anger, panic, depression, distraction, vent to my wife and friends, plan for the worst, and maybe feel a bit better. This cycle seems to repeat at least once a day, sometimes twice.
I can feel it catching up to me though. The constant anxiety and poor sleep are affecting me and I'm not really sure how to improve my mental health except to just disconnect. But then I run the risk of not being informed enough to react or plan.
I recently found out I might be able to get Austrian citizenship for me and my family because my great-grandparents fled the Nazis. Or I can potentially transfer to Australia through work. I also feel angry and cowardly for considering them as viable options. Regardless, my family and I are terrified of the possibility of full-fledged Fascism here or worse, a civil war. It wouldn't be like our first Civil War, it'd be closer to what Ireland went through, but likely worse. I'd expect neighbors killing neighbors, LGBTQ+, liberals, and minorities targeted. The uninformed and panic-primed centrists panicking and escalating violence. It would be an excuse to exterminate folks opposed to the current regime and remake America into a Christo-Techno-Fascist nation.
But to answer your question, pretty fuckin bummed out.
This might be the most nonsense filled string of conflicting words I've read in months.
Cool cool
The biggest thing I feel is rage and betrayal.
There are people in my immediate family who voted for those who think my disabled pansexual leftist ass should be literally murdered by the Gestapo.
That's the betrayal.
The rage is that I've seen this collapse coming since I was a kid in the mid 90s. I was absolutely ready for this in my 20s. Now, I'm 40, disabled and can't even stand white light for long or any loud sound along with a host of other issues.
And none of them listen despite telling me how smart I am my whole life. I take one baby step to show them a flaw in what they're saying and suddenly I'm a naive idiot to them.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
If anyone knows of any good resources for someone looking to leave the US, it would be appreciated.
It just feels so hopeless. Hate and fear and intolerance and shear ignorance seems to be ruling supreme. Bullies and jerks have no checks. We've driven the train off the cliff. The only question is are we actually big enough to take the world with us or will we crash by ourselves? I keep expecting to hear any day that they've tried to launch some 50 year old nukes and they exploded on the launch pad.
If were "okay" then this country has no chance. Outrage should be the default mood until this nightmare is somehow ended.
But I'm surviving, and recognize there are still other things in this world that aren't complete shit.
As a Brit, most of what's written here seems accurate and fairly up to date (ignore the sponsored links)