$HOME, Not So Sweet $HOME
My home directory has its own nearly full 300gb partition, so it could be better...
auto main() -> int
What programming language is this even?!
That just seems like
int main()
with extra steps -
Defining the return type that way can be used when dealing with template sorcery - there's no use for it here though, not even for readability in any way.
my favorite bit is how hostile some are after all this time about xdg beyond a simple WONTFIX https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/XDG_Base_Directory#Hardcoded
I wish everything was put into ~/.config or whatever the proper place was. Oh you're used to your ssh config being ~/.ssh as it has for years? So make a symlink! Everyone wins.
I have recentlly created a data directory in my home dir, and moved almost everything I need to it. Even configs and program data are in it somewhere I find ok, and symlinked to the xdg dirs (I know i can make my new location the xdg dir for config and data, but this way I selectively add stuff to my now main config, so it remains more pristine)
Monocultures are great every 20 years, but Spock would say 'IDIC'.
Systemd, networkManager, 'consistent' naming; were it not for bleeding edge vs enterprise, and the packaging differences they bring, you'd only have the logos to discern SuSE from Kubuntu.
Not a ringing endorsement. Of anything.