Eggs are 10.99 in denver.
$12 USD to CAD is over $17, what're you talking about
Yeah, these are specialty farm eggs, cage free, and brown. They’re also stacked in with the organic eggs. They probably command a markup without the price increases from bird flu. This is also probably some trendier grocery store OP is shopping at.
Our “fancy” grocery store has a dozen cage free large brown eggs for $5.49, so either this is a local issue in Denver or OP is posting some BS engagement bait.
You are both posting anecdotes, essentially.
I'm calling it Trump Flu, because why not.
A few thoughts on that. Unleaded started in 1975. I'd like to know when it reached 50% of the vehicles but googling doesn't give me that. Assuming 20 years for the entire fleet to turn over, that would give 1985 for 50%. I think you want 25% or less leaded cars until you don't have too much lead in the air, so that goes to about 1990. The pollution didn't end immediately at the city limits, so the burbs that would be built on the next mile or so would still be on polluted land. So I think that gets you to houses built 1995+ to even 2000+ to get to uncontaminated land (depending on how fast your city was growing).
I know around here the houses with decent backyards were built in the 70s to 80s. In the 90s the yards were getting small, and nowadays they are almost nonexistent. So the best suburbs for chickens are 80s and earlier. Which is also the contaminated land.
Last thought is that they keep saying that there is no safe level of lead exposure.
And you have to brag about it on the internet because no one else lives in central Wyoming.
As a dairy farmer, i understand i may be somewhat biased on the evaluation of living conditions for my animals. I try very hard to make sure my animals are well cared for and have the space they need. And there is still room for improvement. Compared to a few decades ago, we are doing pretty good in my opinion.
But in the case of poultry, i do have opinions that do align a little bit more with you.
While poultry overcrowding and handling practices did play a role in exacerbating the bird flu problem, they were not the sole main driving factor that let this disease go rampant. It helped, but it isnt the whole story.To see why, all we have to do is look at export markets and their rules.
There is a vaccine for bird flu for poultry. We've had it for years. Poultry farmers do not use it. Because using it limits the countries you can export your product to.
Long story short, it is more economically feasible for producers to nuke entire flocks and start from scratch, (chickens reproduce very quickly), than it is to spend money on vaccination and limit your export market.
This creates constant hot zones that spread to wild populations and migratory birds. This is why seals are dropping dead like flies on the Argentinean coast. I believe the mortality rate is over 90 percent. There are no large scale poultry farms in the falkland islands. Bird flu is so ingrained in migratory bird populations at this point that its crossing over and killing random species that are not confined or used for humans.
Cats that eat infected birds develope encephalopathy and have a massive mortality rate. Its how we first tied bird flu to cattle in the first place. Dairy farm cats are what turned us on to the bird vector. There is also no current vaccine for cattle, or many other animals. Yet.
There will continue to be huge issues with bird flu until we develope good policies to vaccinate all animals in cafo sites and let common sense and science take the lead instead of bad policy and greed. And it may be too late to be honest.
After being on the front lines from day one of the bird flu epidemic in cattle, when we didnt even know what was happening, and seeing how badly the government and officials have handled it, it is an absolute miracle that covid was only as bad as it was.
Where I live, a city in the PNW, Fred Meyer (Kroger) cheap ass eggs are around $7. $7.50 at Safeway. Even Winco and Trader Joe's eggs are around $5/6 a dozen.
I'm not sure where you live, but I'm guessing it's less densely populated or has easier access to diary farms.
Or you shop online for food, which, no, I'm not doing that.
Say, is that the same CBS News who's parent company, Paramount, is currently in talks to settle a legal dispute with Heir Trump because he didn't like their accurate reporting about him so he sued?
Why yes, yes it is!
That's still high, assuming cad, but much better. It's around 6-8 'freedom' dollars down here is southern America.
Isn’t Kroger the one that got in trouble for “surge pricing”? Basically corporate whitewashing of price gouging. They also switched to e-price tags that would let them more quickly change prices.
I get that, but regional egg prices aren't directly comparable without adjusting for the cost of living. I could prove eggs in my area cost a dollar but that gives you no info unless I say they used to cost 10 cents.
I'm not admonishing you, just saying you are both right basically
I know it's crude but I still can't kick my love for the idea of a "I raped that too!" Sticker
Same in CO. They’re all out. That’s why egg prices are so stupid in Colorado.
I live outside a major metropolitan city for context in what many would view as an “expensive State.” CoL is not cheap.
That said, your second choice of “regional” is far more apropos than “anecdotal.”