Eggs are 10.99 in denver.
As soon as the farms run out of illegals to exploit, the price of eggs might go up to 10.99 per egg, though...
Wow, food in Germany is indeed cheap.
Current prices: 0,34€ per egg for organic eggs, 0,20€ per egg for a lower grade (Bodenhaltung)
$10.00CAD OR $6.90USD for 30 here in Canada.
Everywhere I've lived, most groceries aren't taxed, so what's showing would be the final price.
Things that might be taxed are things like pre-prepared food or soda.
The cheapest I can find atm are 2.1 euros for a 12 pack of store brand eggs, 0.175 per egg. Eu.
Price at Tesco in the UK:
Even cheaper at Aldi:
What a sensible, decimal system!
This makes me miss Orange Julius stores. Dairy Queen bought them out and now you're lucky if DQ offers two flavors of Julius. And never peach, which was my favorite.
Also, fuck Trump. But that pretty much goes without saying.
What's the thing with eggs in the US ?
My understand is mostly a bird flu but also inflation.
The prices are caused by inflation, massive cullings of infected hens with bird flu, and just the area you live in. Where I'm at, eggs are $4.50 USD/dozen at the moment. They've been higher though.
In Germany, you can't even buy eggs from cage farming anymore.
Upstate NY and a dozen is between 8-9 dollars last I looked.
Egg colour is down to genetics - some breeds, eg leghorn, lay white eggs. Others lay various shades of brown. It's what's inside that counts, and that depends a lot on what you feed a chicken.
lol. It’s only been 11 days of his presidency
The cheapest available option can differ a lot due to different animal welfare regulations. Caged eggs are the cheapest but they already are or will soon be unavailable in Europe and a few states in America.
The second cheapest is perchery eggs, which is probably available everywhere, so it'd be better fora direct comparison even if the specific regulations differ somewhat.
Wow. I saw people mentioning this on another thread and I posted that we can get 15 Medium Free Range Eggs in the UK for $3.37. Could find cheaper than that if I shopped around.
Actual inflation or inflation mixed with greedy price increases?
for organic eggs
I would like to see mineral eggs.