Eggs are 10.99 in denver.
It is definitely regional culling or outright infection and death of the birds. It jumped to a human in Louisiana. It killed him.
That is not the norm.
Well you're a different person than who I initially replied to, but that's ok. I don't have a source for my claim that this has been in the playbook for 30 years (really I meant since Reagan, so 40 would have been more accurate), similar to how I don't have a source for the claim that media paid for and created by and for capitalistic interest is not likely to accurately or fairly paint truly leftist viewpoints. Things will always be painted to say "see, look how great capitalism is; and look how bad socialism is!" It's one of those logical conclusions one should arrive at when considering an oligarchy bordering on feudalism. Just like the media propaganda of "see how great capitalism is" refuses to acknowledge any counter-point, the same tactic has been used over and over again on questions of the economy and executive branch with.
One can easily arrive at the conclusion that companies standing to earn higher profits by cutting regulations, busting unions, and squeezing people for basic necessities (all things the Republicans love doing), would make decisions that try to sway or influence voters based on swings in the left or right wing of our right-wing government. You want people to vote for the candidate that will de-regulate and make things easier for your business four years from now... blame the rising cost of goods on the opposition party.[
Butt that wood bee to easy!
People eating caged eggs in 2025??
Thanks, Obama!
cage free is better than nothing, but if it were organic it would say so and not just cage free I suspect. I'm not even sure they're free-range, maybe they're just all in a barn with no access to outside fields?
even if they were ecological, to me that seems expensive
Y'all I thought the whole "price of eggs" thing was kind of a meme/exaggeration (I'm Canadian), but holy shit $12???? I live in one of the most expensive cities in Canada and we pay like 7CAD. You're probably better off raising a community chicken at those prices.
In hawaii we cant get eggs at all for the past week or two-- or even those milk carton pints of liquid eggs. I was told at the foodland today to come at 5am tomorrow when the doors open and theres always just a few boxes. So.. I guess I get up at 430 tomorrow. Then elbow the old ladies -- or whatever I need to do to get to the eggs first.
They are mean and have canes but they can't take a punch and I can run to the egg aisle first.
Your chickens need to support their weed habit somehow...
Not organic, and cage free < free range < pasture raised
Bird flu sucks. Too bad the CDC can't worn us about it though.
Do people in the US buy caged eggs?! In the UK free range is almost a ubiquitous minimum.
Let's Go Trump!
So in the
instead of rings people now use eggs to propose to someone ?
Don't leave man that was a solid one
It seems easier to just go buy a live chicken.
Or somehow corral some of the wild chickens that are running rampant on the islands
I don't know what cage free means but I do know it's marketing speak designed to tempt me away from free range. Not buying it.
Yeah. Complaining about the cost of top shelf eggs is kinda disingenuous.