Trump vows to slap 25% tariffs on EU and claims bloc was ‘formed to screw US’
Surely this will lower egg prices!
The Orange Turd has found his favorite word and he will use it for everything!
China: the fuck did I do??
God it is going to be kind of delightful watching America get what it deserves over the next few years.
Inb4 EU and Canada signs a great trade deal just to screw over Trump.
Country that has been screwing every other country for 80 plus years accuses other countries of screwing it.
Yes, please, do that. I'm so curious who will he blame when the dollar will be 0.54 euros
Not everything is about the US and certainly not about this Putin-loving fascist.
Do it already. Let's catalyst the revolution before I am too old to participate.
This is at least 50% because of the sharp decline in swasticar sales in the EU.
It’s retaliation for free market forces hurting his dommy mommy’s Xitter feefees.
The other 50% is probably some combination of EU being willing to incorporate Ukraine and throwing around buzzwords because his brain is riddled with holes from puppet strings and drugs.
Obama, of course.
Time for Ukraine to join the EU quickly. Tariff his precious minerals.
Orange fuckwit.
God, I hate this fascist cunt.
Never thought the phrase "Critics, including [experts and/or politics], warn this may harm US economy" would ever be as sad and repetitive
We're trying!
As an American, I agree. They should.
Ok so to recap: stuff made in Mexico? Tariffs! Stuff made in Canada? Tariffs! Stuff made in the EU? Tariffs! Stuff made in China? Tariffs!
Is he jealous of the European 20-25% VAT?
Please EU, don't retaliate on this. If the US put tariffs on everything from everywhere, then it's just masochism and we should let them enjoy the suffering
He's not completely wrong. One of the benefits EU provides is better bargaining power for its members against countries like the US.
Sanctions or tariffs on any individual EU country would likely lead to collective response.
Do it you pussy! Come on! DO IT!
And with a tarrif, shows who is screwing who.