Trump vows to slap 25% tariffs on EU and claims bloc was ‘formed to screw US’
As EU citizen, I don't think that's a good deal for us, as we are importing food that do not match our environmental criterias. It's anti-concurrential for inside food producers that have to conform these environmental laws.
It would have been good if the deal was to import things that were produced respecting our laws (no offense). -
food undercooked? tarriff!
Food overcooked? Believe it or not, tarriff!
Trump is kinda right. Charles De Gaulle wanted a united Europe to prevent Anglo-American influence. Aside from his Anglophobia, he vetoed UK joining then EEC because he thought UK is a Trojan horse for American influence into Europe. He also thought that the British are reluctant Europeans anyhow, so why let them in?
Fast forward 60 years later, and De Gaulle was found right. US companies tried to lobby the EU through UK. The Brits voted for Brexit, and the US finally became an unreliable ally.
For so much of the French being chauvinistic in a cringey way, they are right not to commit to Anglo influence or Atlanticism, presciently. The French still likes to assert their own global influence but in multilateral way with other countries. Macron and De Gaulle are correct for looking for strategic autonomy.
Isn’t it the other way around. The USA was formed to screw over the European world powers.
He is completely wrong. The EU was formed after WW2 to prevent another war on the continent and to increase economic cooperation. The fact that makes us a much stronger block for negotiating trade deals was a side benefit, not its purpose. And it only works to screw over countries that are trying to screw us first.
*American conservatism
Brussels effects haters be like: "I really fucking hate USB type-C cables being on every device where it makes sense! I want to bo back to expensive and crappy proprietary cables only the original manufacturer is allowed to make!"
So do you think the EU, Canada, Mexico and China all dont understand how economies work either? As they all immediately said they would respond to tariffs with tariffs on American goods.
You will plug in ze usb c and you will be happy
I'm in the EU and I very much I hope he does, beause the response will be spectacular (apparently there is an Act from 2023 that the EU can respond to this by suspending intellectual property rights of US companies).
Also it will definitelly finish off any lingering delusions of European politicians that the US is an "ally".
The US was a white colonialist project that once it became strong enough wrestled independence from the colonialist power that started it.
IMHO, the people it was formed to screw over were the natives of the land the colonialists stole - so Indian tribes.
Well, his definition of "screw over" is probably when the other side of a negotiation pools resources to be able to negotiate in a balanced way.
In that mindset, workers make Unions to "screw over" big companies.
Because that's essentially what the EU is: a polling of resources of many small and a few mid-sized countries to on Internation Trade matters negotiate as a block and hence in a balanced way with large countries like the US and China.
Given Trump's background of using his money to take advantage of contractors for his companies by using lawsuits with no hope of winning meant only to drain out the resources of others and make them quite, it makes perfectly sense that he would see those others pooling resources to be able to face him as "screwing him over".
That, nukes, NATO... It may have been rank anglophobia, but man, did history prove him right...
It's the same "I'll respect you if you respect me" dynamic in an imbalanced-power system.
I'm screwing you over if I personally feel bad for what I'm doing to you (never happens, therefore I'm always fair). You're screwing me over if you inconvenience me.
First, "they all" didn't so it. Some of them did.
Second, you are the one claiming the motivation for that action. And you are wrong, their motivation isn't to "keep their business competitive despite the US tariffs"... unless of course they also don't know what they are doing. That's because the US tariffs doesn't change the competitiveness of products on their territory, and their tariffs don't change the competitiveness of products on the US territory...
What should be obvious, because the tariffs aren't applied there.
Wake me when that pussy manages to even speak in his own cabinet meetings without elon interrupting.
I mean USB is so so so bad and what a lie that USB-C is some universal thing (besides the physical connector)
DO IT! COMON! DO IT! Make every european leader more alligned with the EU and push us more and more together and more indipendent again!
The britains left and joined on their own will
If you think Intel fucking with the USB naming scheme (just keep 3.0 and 3.1 for the lower speed devices instead of renaming everything 3.2 gen 892034856 for fuck's sake!) was bad, or you had trouble with keeping track of charger standards, then you forgot the time when most manufacturers had their own crappy proprietary connection standard, that didn't really done much more than could have been with pre-existing standards, except to force you to buy an expensive and crappy cable, and some (especially those by Apple) often broke by just looking at them in the wrong way and had those crappy and impossible to solder enamel-coated wires inside them.