Canada to cut off electricity to US states: "Need to feel the pain"
I'd prefer we do more than kick Trump out. Like...guillotine them all.
So he’s a big ballsack?
Trump enacts tariffs on Canada.
Exactly. Trump. Not the states that voted against him. If you want to retaliate, retaliate against Trump. Make him, and the people that voted for him feel the pain.
Look at the things he's doing domestically. There's nothing he and his MAGA dipshits love more than sticking it to the blue states. So, Canada doing something that predominantly hurts blue states isn't going to hurt Trump at all. Quite the contrary, it's going to give him huge hard-on.
So, if your goal is to help Trump, well then carry on.
Why is the fairness meter of the article "unfair left leaning", when it just reports on something someone said?
I don't see any opinion piece there, but pretty much just direct quoting
How can this be even left or right leaning? Oo
Cutting off power will mean that the energy has to come from somewhere else, which means higher demand, and higher costs across multiple states, also red ones.
And let's not pretend those "blue states" don't have very large numbers of maga idiots as well
Do it unilaterally without discussing with US.
What is it you actually think I intended? Are your glasses foggy?
Washington State, here. Can confirm. Seattle and Bellingham carry the state blue. Them yokels everywhere else vote red.
I've literally seen Dixie flags here in Washington. Like, how fucking dumb do you need to be?
It's supposed to be for the publication as a whole, not the specific article. No idea what metric they're using, though.
Nah, it's article by article.
Hold us accountable and submit your rating of this article on the meter.
We Americans have a serious problem labeling anything we disagree with as "those other guys". I might even say it's our main problem. We wouldn't be where we're at today without the divisiveness and team mentality.
We won't do shit until we are literally starving. Look right here at Lemmy, non-stop memes and stories about how what horrible economic shape we're in. So how is everyone fat?! Meanwhile, I go to work and look at what's for sale, at what prices, and think, "Jesus, people pay for this?!"
Even the Great Depression didn't have us storming the White House. Think on that.
tl;dr: Americans aren't near broke enough to band together.
LCBO is actively removing American products from shelves.
I do think there's more technical problems related to decoupling a massive load from the grid, but Ford does seem to be following through with at least some of the promised retaliations. Time will tell if he keeps it up.
Considering he won an undisputed election and at least a quarter of his base are gun nuts, plus police love to use excessive force & violence, that scenario would probably play out poorly for pretty much everyone. I would say try to show conservatives how terrible he really is, but that's not going to happen in Lemmy. I'm not even conservative, I'm anti-authoritarian centrist but even I find this place extremely hostile to conversation with anyone who doesn't embrace the group-think.
With a dead crackhead brother you mean
Oh, so they crowd-sourced it and it's being brigaded by Trump morons. Got it.
Sadly it's not just Americans...
Seeing the same we-they pattern here in Austrian right wing communities/parties
Nobody is going to support trump if the whole system collapses. We've seen it play out over and over across history.
Well, yeah. But if people try to forcibly remove him before that happens probably there will a lot of unnecessary beatings, incarceration and death. Honestly even leftists have been saying this system needs torn down for decades. So if he tears it down, build back better.
Imagine thinking Harris is a leftist