How do I break a fizzy drink addiction?
Also, Pepsi Max is a zero calorie drink, so 1 a day is hardly a lot. Three artificial sweeteners aren't the best for you, but OP shouldn't feel like they are ruining their health on that.
To this point, for me, it was all about the bubbles. So replacing with a seltzer water did wonders. Sometimes I still have a craving to pound bubbles real quick.
American and I drink all types of teas???
Rephrase this because you mention alcohol. Kombucha is non alcoholic and.. Has .5 percent alc. Volume. So fear not people. Good for the gut microbiome too.
Thanks ml
BDS puts most of the big bring junkfood on the boycott list. Join the club.
What is BDS?
The comments here are fucking wild.
Outside of the caffeine, there’s nothing inherently special about a fizzy drink habit that would make it remarkable from other habits when it comes to giving it up. So a guide like could be useful.
I find coffee to be the best replacement but never liked sugary sodas, only the sugar-free ones.
I still have a diet soda now & then but not even once a week.
Seltzer. Kombucha.
Breville makes one that uses a non-proprietary canister that can be refilled for a few dollars. We love ours.
The Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions movement, a Palestinian-led boycott of a small number of companies that are particularly heavily involved in Israeli apartheid and colonialism of Palestinians.
Is it the sweetness that you're addicted to? The fizz itself maybe? There are drinks that are sweet yet not fizzy, and there are drinks that are fizzy yet not sweet. If you can find out, you can begin to substitute less unhealthy options. Then eventually quit entirely.
I got off of soda by drinking plenty of water in place of it. Good luck!
Wait. You can talk??
Chat is it frowned upon to drink beverages
While we did dump most of our tea in boston harbor way back when, some did make it's way through our borders since then.
It costs ~$150 to build your own CO2 carbonation setup. After that, refills are pretty infrequent at ~$10. That gets you relatively unlimited sparkling water.
If you're jonesing for specific flavors, flavor powders, extracts, and raw sucralose in bulk on Amazon will run you around $20, or ~$100 total for a decent assortment. It'll pay for itself in like a year and the powders will last you awhile.
i don't know if it's frowned upon but i think it's disgusting
My european mind can't comprehend making tea without an electric kettle, something that is very rarely used in the US
Its not sugary - he said Pepsi Max. And even if it was, get your judgemental ass out of here. OP literally posted this trying to get advice how to break the habit.