Jeep Introduces Pop-Up Ads That Appear Every Time You Stop
I think anything 2008 and before is kinda a sweet spot for car driving quality. After the subprime crisis its like all the car makers went to shit.
Believing any of that means trusting President Elon Musk. I certainly don’t
Makes sense.
Don't worry, our choice for each election is capitalism and cruelty free capitalism, it's always been a matter of time.
It will always be the case that given enough time a capitalist will find a way to convince the public to vote against self interest just a little, and then the snowball starts rolling.
YouTube TV
Get a horse, gonna be cheaper it seems. And you don't have to pay for heated seats haha
Worth it, when the alternative is ads
Everyone with the new LED headlights that feel painfully illegal in my eye sockets - they are the bane of my morning commute.