The /r/piracy link to lemmy /c/piracy hit the reddit frontpage with 7K+ updoots!
Welcome! How are you liking Lemmy so far?
The entire point of c/piracy is sharing freedom. Why would you not talk to people about Linux? (plus the torrenting tools are just so much more efficient there...)
The typical ratio is 1:9:90, meaning only 10% are actively posting or commenting. The Lemmy numbers fit to that surprisingly well, although you would think a few more lurkers would at least vote sometimes (which Lemmy reports as active in the monthly stats).
Yes, trying my best to spread the word!
What a terrible graph - see if you can spot the 4% daily drop..
pop the champagne
we are celebrating tonight
Lol for real?
The main thing I heard about Bluesky is that it costs like $100 mill to run your own instance or something like that, so they only have one main instance for now. They technically have federation, but for all intents and purpose, it's just another centralized corporate service waiting to be enshittified.
But now I can add this to my list of reasons why Bluesky is a trap.
Edited! Haha I ruined it, the social is the whole point
for me the other useful thing would be mobile apps. I use jerboa
it's also available on the play store
Feel free to share if you find a better one!
Sorry, wrong link: