Signal on F-droid Guardian Repo
They do not ship updates as fast as official Signal client does. Do not use it unless you specifically need one of its security features
Thanks, I mean I used to work as a Java developer before, and I'm quite interested in the Android platform, so I'm familiar with the SDK and build tools, and know how app signatures work
Or via Accrescent
Just make sure to set up UnifiedPush if you want to receive notifications while your Molly database is locked. I recommend the new Sunup UP distributor. I wanted to make a post about it in [email protected], but never got around to do it.
For Mollysocket, there are a few public instances. is one of them. You can also set up your own on, check out this repo:
Or you can obviously self-host it on any VPS or hardware that you own -
You can also get it from Accrescent
No, it's not a special "FOSS" version, it's just the official binary distributed through the Guardian Project repo (as I have proven: If you want a FOSS variant, check out Signal-FOSS or Molly, they also offer a FOSS variant. You can either download it from their custom F-Droid repo, pull the APK from GitHub using Obtainium or get it from Accrescent.
Yikes. Thanks for the info.
You can also install directly from Signal via Obtainium.
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I have my own mollysocket and ntfy, both on tailscale domains with funnel. You can restrict your mollysocket to only your ID.
The Ntfy Android app hasn't been updated in almost a year, and in my experience it consumes more battery than Sunup.