What scientific fact blows your mind the most?
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For me, it's the sheer size of some celestial bodies.
Our Sun is humongous. UY Scuti is 1700 times larger. And then there's TON 618, which has a mass 66 billion times larger than our Sun's.
And even those are barely grains of sand when compared to solar and even galactic structures... It is humbling, to say the least.
There are more hydrogen atoms in a molecule of water than there are stars in the solar system
If math is actually uncovering fundamental laws of the universe, rather than just describing it at various scales, then there's a chance we can rewrite reality with our own set of rules that would render the current ones incompatible (by Gödel's-IT).
Every 60 seconds in Africa, a minute passes
The fact that planes are kept in the air by the shape of their wings, which forces air to go over at a pace when it can't push down on the wing as hard as it can push up from underneath. It's like discovering an exploitable glitch in a videogame and every time I fly I worry that the universe will get patched while I'm at 10,000 feet.
Tegmark's MUH is the hypothesis that our external physical reality is a mathematical structure.[3] That is, the physical universe is not merely described by mathematics, but is mathematics — specifically, a mathematical structure.
Look, I only heard about this concept, so maybe there's more to it, but branches of mathematics are just a set of rules that we create.
Sometimes these rules can be applied to real systems, in our reality, and that helps to describe and understand the universe.
But it's totally possible to come up with infinite nonsensical, useless mathematical systems that have nothing to do with the universe. The existence of these doesn't mean that we have or could rewrite reality.
A Planck length is the smallest length possible, a smaller length simply can't exist.
At least that's what scientists believed until they studied OPs penis, then they found out something smaller does in fact exist.
95% of our DNA is basically useless gibberish. Since the evolutionary incentive to shorten it is so small in our case, all sorts of processes "hijack" it to propagate themselves without giving anything back.
Dude! I told you in confidence not to share that info.
I guess I have no choice but to share that @[email protected] has the world's biggest human anus. It's been a scientific mystery about how it got to be so big.
Tbf, you can make anything fly if you give it enough thrust. Wings just make it easier.
I said out loud at a Warhammer convention that space marines are just dolls for grown men.
There are more stars in the visible universe than there are grains of sand on all the beaches in the world.
Something should be done about this
In a sense, everything can fly. Just sometimes not for very long.
You can observe the chirality of some molecules from the crystals they form, sometimes they twist clockwise, other times they twist counter clockwise. Which way they twist is dependent on their molecular structure.
If our universe is bound by the laws of mathematics (big IF), then any theorem discovered within it has to be consistent or incomplete w.r.t it.
If a theorem is discovered that upends math as we know it, then the repercussions could be cosmic.Again, big if about the universe being bound by the laws of maths
Stop fucking clapping then
The size of the universe and the distance between everything in it. It takes about 8 minutes for light from our own sun to reach us. And the observable universe is about 5,859,000,000,000,000,000 times larger than that! That is quite a trip. I would need about 293,283,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 charging stops with my electric car to get to the end. I think I’ll pass.
In chemistry I was taught one carbon atom can exist in at least 12 separate living bodies before it's no longer stable.