What scientific fact blows your mind the most?
Now, think about the energy and forces involved when 2 supermassive black holes orbit each other and collide.
Ooh, those aspects are well beyond my capacity for comprehension or visualisation! I feel like an ant watching nuclear explosions.
If mass can convert into energy that easily then we’re all in a lot of trouble…
We were talking about the mass-energy conversion, for nuclear fusion.
Not really sure how nuclear fission Vs coal cost/kWh is relevant.
Studies into how to make a more efficient kettle.
I mean, you're not wrong.. XD
I don't know but imagine what crazy processes would lead to creating that magic man floating around in nothingness, without a world to evolve on.
That our species took millions of years of evolution and the chance for it to be exactly this way was so infinitesimal... And yet here we are, chasing arbitrary numbers on paper-slices and in some bank-account while also being sexists, racists, whatever-ists and destroying the very rock we exist on.
Yet things like star trek are called utopia not actual-ia.This always baffle me.
Just in general how spread apart everything is in space is wild. As big as planets and stars are, there’s still unfathomably more nothing in between them all. And that’s in a solar system where it’s comparatively “dense” compared to interstellar space let alone intergalactic. It makes the vastness of the ocean look tiny.
There's waaay worse things you can catch.
More like homo ignorare, yes?
You joke, but lemme introduce you to Tacit Blue:
Yes, this thing did actually fly.
Ironically Christian Scientists are actually a distinct sect/cult of US Protestant Christians and would be very angry at the Mormon idea of Kolob if they heard about it.
Life is a process of things interacting consistently with each other.
Why would a static screenshot of exact chemical composition matter for any process that involves a moving or animated body?
A bricked computer with a corrupt boot loader is chemically the same as one that actually works.
A car is chemically the same before and after you turn the key on its ignition.
A lightbulb is comprised of the same substances whether or not its turned on or off.
... Part of the difference between an alive and a dead body, is that the chemical reactions that constitute animating the thing into being alive ... have stopped.
A dead body is not metabolizing. It has no brain activity. The chemical reactions required to keep its heart beating are no longer happening.
Decomposition then sets in.
These are all differences in chemical processes.
How do we stop radar? By obliterating the air around us with cube. Lol
That is actually pretty neat though!
They also put out a pretty decent newspaper The Christian Science Monitor. At least they did 30 years ago. They don't take much medicine either, which, fine I guess.
Recent studies have it at closer to 92% 'junk' DNA, and 8% actively coding.
Also, a lot of non-coding DNA does actually serve other useful functions, it just doesn't actively code.
It could play a role in epigenetics, ie the regulation of what active coding sequences are active and when, it could be telomeres that prevent DNA strands from unravelling at the ends, it could be binding and scaffold sites that assist in the structural stability and integrity of the chromosome.
DNA can be functional, without being active-coding.
Only regions that are both non coding and also totally non functional are truly 'junk', but we keep consistently finding more ways that 'non functional' regions are actually functional.