Greenland Overwhelmingly Rejects US Accession
Wow, I didn't think he'd be able to crack the single digits!
"Your country, my choice."
- Trump, probably
I can't believe there's so many crazy people in Greenland
6% got paid* by vance
*payment has only been promised, not yet given lolol
Yeah, I just want the results of the secondary poll that asks the why. It'd be interesting just to see the real answers.
No taxation without representation or something.
Imagine how peaceful life would be if you lived somewhere so remote that the Internet couldn't touch you.
Is there a poll Americans can take? I'd be interested in that too.
Trump makes it a point to brag about not knowing what "no" means
There's developing, then there's de-veloping
Greenland used to be part of the EU
Until the Internet elects a demagogue in the most ridiculously over-armed country on earth and arrives in an attack helicopter