Trump demands $500B in rare earths from Ukraine for continued support
Well, there also is a big amount of rebuilding to be done and no matter who would be in the US government, there would be a strong push for the rebuilding to end in factories, apartments and farms to be owned by US investors.
That has always been the plan, Ukraine proposed it way back. Art of the deal.
That's more than twice the Ukraine GDP btw
good thing the country has tens of millions of absolute asses
extortion is called "demands" if you are powerful enough
Ever Trump press photo makes him look more and more like a 60s Batman villain. Louie the Lilac vibes.
I mean this could actually be a good deal? If Ukraine doesn't win they won't have the material to pay up. 500B would be a realistic number to drive out Russia and secure the border.
I must be missing some details that makes this horrible.
Fins didn't invite Nazis. Route to Norway through Finnish territory was prerequisite for much needed military supplies and weapons. After the germans were here they pretty much went where they pleased. No official military alliance was signed.
America Bad, yes we know
You're right, the behavior of how Iraq and Afghanistan were handled was entirely different from either Germany or Japan after WW2.
My assertion is that the USA did too much "occupation" and not enough "governance". Both Iraq and Afghanistan essentially had anti-government resistance movements forced into pseudo-national rule without any time to develop local governance.
Once the states were broken W wanted to get out, essentially since he feared accusations of imperialism. Which kept a good twenty year plan from being implemented, and instead led to a twenty year quagmire with one of the two essentially being a failed state.
(Man, that's a lot of essentially's)
I don't mean to defend either invasion as either good for the people or necessarily for American security. I just want to point out that W's position was "go and break things then go home" which is about as imperial as a viking raid.
Good thing everybody's respecting laws and treaties these days!