Argentina's president bans gender-affirming care for people under age 18
Not where I live it doesn't.
Well they've been sort of soft about it recently because a right-wing government is on the rise.
But basically it's not something that really happens here that much. Some people have even been charged with grievous bodily assault for cultural circumcisions, but I don't think that went through. So basically I think cultural circumcision is currently legal, but not widely spread and has to be done by a medical practitioner, so you can't get a traditional religious practicer to perform the circumcision.
Oh yeah now that I'm reading up about it, some fking company in Finland has seen circumcision as a market gap in like 2016. Pretty much no medical practitioners used to do non-medical circumcisions, but since the muslim population has grown quite a bit and there was some friction about it ~15 years ago iirc. That's not the only story though.
Anyway, I personally am against any sort of genital mutilation of babies. And trans bottom ops aren't easily done on minors, I can pretty confidently say.
but you can’t take it.
Am I to interpret this as you thinking you've "got to me"? Sorry to burst your bubble, but that's called "projection". Thanks for letting me know your feelings though.
Idk what to tell you. Maybe you already had the threads loaded. Maybe my client needed an extra minute to update right there. I went back to my comment immediately after to add the edit and edit edit.
Do you want me to be more sketch next time and not even try to add that I edited my comment. Or maybe next tiem I'll add timestamps of when I edit every single word or sentence. But you're taking this way too far.
My original common, which minimally changed to clarify my messups, didn't have anything to do with surgery's, talked about my wanting a bigger dick, and stated people should be able tonexpress how they feel just no life altering drugs.
Even what I added after doesn't change what inworte. Even though I added them immediately
Keep reaching
And on that day, not a single citation was given kids .
I do know what to tell you.
You wrote a comment, I read it, replied it to it, and whilst I was replying to it, you started editing it, then I posted my comment and then you posted your edit.
Nothing weird about it. And still, you don't say you suffered from moobs, do you? So how is me bringing that up me calling you fat just for pointing out that more cis males have gender affirming care than trans people, statistically? You were wrong to say I was calling you fat, because I wasn't. But you can't say "I was mistaken in thinking you called me fat."
"It didn't say anything about surgeries"
You might as well have been talking about pasta in general and then start crying when I bring up spaghetti, saying "I was talking about pasta, it has nothing to do with spaghetti!" One is a subcategory of the other. "Gender affirming care" includes within it gender affirming surgeries.
And how exactly would you go about getting a bigger dick without a surgery, pray tell?
Bro my whole arguemt. Since the fuckign beginning has been don't give kids drugs until we allow adults to have drugs. That includes puberty blockers
RIP little Timmy, he could have lived with chemo but [email protected] doesn't want children to take drugs.
So I don't ad life altering drugs one time and you pounce on it? There's obviously a diffrnence between life altering and life saving drugs. Way to take one except out of context.
Unfortunately it’s important to prevent the abuse of these surgeries rather than allow all of them.
A child should not be telling their parents they want to mutilate their genitals and vice versa. Some people that need it will lose out but it can always be done later. We don’t need crazy parents allowing these irreversible surgeries on children.
And btw this should INCLUDE circumcision. Circumcision is barbaric
Except that's not what's happening. They pause puberty with pills so the kid can grow up and make an informed decision after years of therapy. Meanwhile they don't have to worry about their body going the wrong way and contributing to serious mental health problems.
These laws are forcing kids to deal with serious mental illness, not saving them.
Chemo alters life quite a bit, I mean it's pretty much poison.
None of that is anywhere close to what's happening.
They give them a pill to temporarily block puberty. The point is to keep them from feeling severe mental anguish at their body developing the wrong way while they get years of therapy before a surgery.
Then you need to pay attention. They lie about surgery and ban the therapy and puberty blocking medications.
This thread is over and I'm now gunna be mean to the next trans person I see
Why do the most clueless dickheads (this means you) always feel the need to stick their uninformed opinions into discussions that don't pertain to them anyway???
Aaaaannnnd there it is - the unwillingness to accept reality.
My son nearly had to go on puberty blockers, as he was starting to show signs of early puberty. We talked to our pediatrician, who ultimately determined that he's not starting puberty just yet. Turns out he's just a really rambunctious and rowdy 8 year old.
Go fuck yourself
I wasn’t aware you were the leading expert on the subject. Because your opinion is so much more informed than mine.
I see, your reading comprehension is just generally shit. I did not claim to be "the leading expert on the subject." I was simply pointing out how blatantly obvious it is that you have no fucking idea what you're talking about and wondering why then you felt the need to contribute your opinion which carries negative value.