After many years on GNOME, I finally submitted to Plasma supremacy.
And that's fine. I said I really liked gnome. The only extensions I had were weather in the top bar and dash to dock. I just wanted it to do a few extra things, and I wanted to play around with widgets. Gnome was also a bit too rigid for my taste. Plasma makes tweaking small things a joy.
For me, ootb Plasma felt too much like Windows. I use Windows all day at work so I want my home machines to look and feel completely unlike Windows.
As a (Plasma based) Kubuntu user I was wondering as well. Looks like they tried to emulate the gnome look and feel in the picture. In Kubuntu the default taskbar is at the bottom and the floating application bar doesn't exist
What dock are you using?
I just switched from GNOME to Plasma in the past week, after a long time on gnome, and Plasma 6 is great. The only thing I miss so far is viewing all my windows on the desktop when I push the meta key - alt-tab seems clunky in comparison.
Any suggestions there?
Meta + w
I believe it's called "overview" in shortcut section.
Any chance you've replicated gnomes dynamic workspaces?
Amazing - Thanks for that!
You can also change it to literally anything you want.
GNOME lost the plot when they abandoned the 2.x design philosophy.
Plasma is great for the flexibility (shortcuts), and so easy these days.
I was searching for task switcher, expose, etc. And just completely gapped on searching 'overview'. (Web searches didn't show it either, possibly because it's too simple, so nobody posts about it.)
Next up I might have to play some window tiling (e.g. like i3, sway & hyprland).
Care to explain what that is?
GNOME 3 introduced the current shell paradigm where you don't really have a start menu but a variety of searches, integrated indicators, per-app desktops with a dock etc.
Before, it was far more conventional experience like Plasma/Windows/Cinnamon are now. GNOME 2 was forked to be the MATE desktop if you want to check it out.
GNOME 2 was fun and easy. It felt like they were trying to learn from the mistakes of Windows and Mac UIs.
I'm the opposite, after plasma I went gnome
Better than any plasma experience I tried to craft myself – and it's the default setting – so I have no reason to come back. But I still could switch, as long as cosmic is good
You don't need special docks in KDE, its all configurable through the default desktop settings. You have enough knobs to make it look like anything.
Totally fine to have KDE set up aesthetically as you please.
They like how gnome looks, not as much how it works.
You should have tried Dash to Panel instead of Dash to Dock, based on your preferences. That plus Wintile is what keeps me on Gnome vs Plasmathese days.
I totally agree.
Gnome devs shouldn't have put the onus of adding settings onto addon developers...
Never going to forgive those fools for having something like "gnome tweak tools" be recommended to so many users without them adding an official implementation.
I tried gnome for a bit. I really liked the workflow. But the over simplification of the interface just killed me.
I got tired of it. And took the things I like from gnome and implemented them in plasma. (Swipe for virtual desktops for example)