Those YouTube ads everyone hates made $10.4 billion in just three months
Neat finds) That was not my point though. I just use yt-dlp and don't feel the need to have a server for my multiple files. I just was wondering if I could help share the preserved content somewhere. I could just link to the torrents on my website, but that wouldn't be of much use because no one ever would think of searching there...
I feel like the can opener in the Flintstones.
K. Keep using a service you hate then, I guess.
There's literally porn ads on yt. Recently an acquaintance of mine got one of those "Look what she said when she saw the size of his dick. You can have a bigger dick if you just buy our product", with plenty of suggestive imagery. And scam ads. My mother got scammed because of a youtube ad pretending to sell products in the name of a famous brand of supermarkets in my region.
It's not about making money, it's about making all the money. Stock holders will pressure to fire the guy that does that.
For sure. YouTube creators shilling for honey while Honey stole their affiliation money shows how little time they spend vetting their sponsors. The stuff they peddle is usually a few ticks away from scam, pretty much always overpriced. The day sponsorblock stops working, is the day I stop paying for YouTube premium and using youtube. It's a pity, because there is a lot of good content on there.
It's not about making money, it's about making all the money.
It's probably also about sending a message. -
PipePipe worked for me when stock NewPipe didn't. YMMV
I use the Firefox extension Immersive Translate exactly for this reason. Hasn't failed me yet.
Or, we could use it for free! Get two birds stoned at once!
There are tools that let you do what YT Premium provides for free unless you're hooked on the music.
One reason I switched to android TV.
Companies wouldn't buy the ads if they didn't work.
It’s the size really. As with most social media platforms, often they are fairly easy to create (YouTube definitely isn’t, but many could). Problem is that it’s impossible to compete with, because people expect the activity you get from hundreds of millions of users.
Same goes for Twitter, Reddit and whatnot. Since capitalism took over the internet completely, basically none of the large plattforms have been outcompeted really.
To big to fail isn’t the banks nowadays, well then to, but it’s IT as well.
Well over 50% of the sites on the internet are English so it is the most prominent language on the net.
People well not pay for anything. I mean you can get YouTube premium without ads. But the vast majority don't want it.