Those YouTube ads everyone hates made $10.4 billion in just three months
Same. We should all collectively abandon ship and just learn Esperanto or something.
I just avoid channels with annoying sponsor segments, that has been a pretty good filter which also largely avoids clickbaity titles, since they seem to go hand in hand.
On Android.
DNS filering alone doesn't work for YouTube in my experience.
Android streaming boxes are the most flexible. Replace the stock launcher with projectivy once set up.
Inexpensive: Onn
Best: Nvidia Shield Pro
I don't hate them. I think 80% should go back to the creators though.
Ads didn’t make 10 billion, Google charged advertisers 10 billion. IMO ads have gone so pervasive they’ve hit a point of diminishing returns. They’re everywhere, we hate them, and those 10 billion spent would have to bring many more billions in sales to be an attractive service.
I can’t wait for the ad bubble to burst, as advertisers understand they’re just giving money away to megaadvertisers for paltry conversions.
I don't even think he's that bad. The worst thing he did was create JavaScript, which is largely fixed now, and the second worst is donate to an anti-LGBT group with his own money. As CEO of Mozilla, he led a very diverse group, diverse enough to kick him out once they found out about his donation.
I personally wish he was back at Mozilla instead of the nonsense leaders they've had since he left. I certainly don't agree with his political views, but he built a great organization and I think Mozilla would be in a better place with him at the helm.
I don't use Brave as my main browser because I think Firefox is still worth supporting as an independent browser engine, but Brave is my backup if I need a chromium browser.
You're absolutely right and I forgot that for a moment there.
Yup, it's my backup if I need a chromium browser for something. I just don't engage with the BAT nonsense and it's about as good as a chromium browser can get IMO.
Firefox w/ uBlock Origin is my main though, mostly because I want to support independent browser engines.
Subbed to find out what your month understanding will be
Are you speaking from experience? Because I am. And those don’t work. This is right now, on iOS 18.3 on my iPhone 16 Pro.
I use Firefox with uBlock Origin and SponsorBlock. I never see any ads on youtube.
My true fans will hang around for my year understanding.
You need Vinegar as well.
Yeah, I kinda assumed the people who cared about these sorts of things wouldn't be using an iPhone.
They worked fine for me, but I don’t have all of those other extensions. Eduard walks all the ads on my device, including ads in YouTube videos.
Perhaps you should tweak your settings?
thats why i block them all.
they aint making money off of annoying me.
The plural -s in Dutch only gets an apostrophe if the stem word ends on an open vowel. So it's 'Maria's huis' but 'Piets boek'. So even in Dutch this'd be incorrect
It’s lower down in the list.