Winapps for work stuff
The browser based apps really don’t feel like alternatives. Scrolling in Excel 365 is particularly painful and it doesn’t seem to have the full range of functions and graph creation tools etc
A virtual machine is the move, I've had a great experience with virt-manager. Strongly recommend debloating the windows VM if Microsoft is getting on your nerves. Here's my go to software:
Worksorks on both windows 10 & 11. It'll allow you to remove telemetry, tracking, and even software Microsoft prevents you from uninstalling. I just can't get it to remove Edge. But MentalOutlaw has a fantastic walk through of the process on his YT channel if you want some guidance with the debloating process.
I'd prefer not to rely on browser based versions if I can help it. (I don't like having a weird hybrid of browser UI and app UI. Also, the browser versions are not as responsive, and are not feature-complete.)
completely disable Windows Update
Since this is a work thing, I'd maybe check with whomever is in charge of your shit that you're not violating any compliance shit by turning updates off.
If you're not, cool, then whatever, but compliance bullshit is awful and sucks and it's better if you're not the reason you fail an audit.
Edit: for the OP, not you.
I haven't bothered to try it myself, but my internet sleuthing tells me that the latest versions don't work.
Maybe so, but then there's still Excel and OneNote.
Regarding OneNote in particular, I'm not using that for any collaborative work; but I do have extensive notes and useful past work there. I reckon OneNote is pretty good - but I regret using it now because of the lock-in effect. And there doesn't seem to be any Linux analogue at all. (What I need is xournal++ integrated into Joplin. I sometimes fantasize about trying to hack that together myself; but that's just a dream really.)
The winapps link in my post says it is a hard-fork of the one you linked to (and my one has updates as recent as yesterday). So it isn't abandoned.