Trump says Russia should be readmitted to G7
It is not "bonkers", Trump just follows Putins marching orders.
Trump is beholden to his party and the American people but nobody is holding him to account and the well regulated mallitias are nowhere to be seen
China doesn't want the U.S. to stabilize. The U.S. joining BRICS would take away from Chinas power growth
What do you mean, stonks are looking mighty fine. /s
what is the G8 meant to be. Countries on friendly terms with one another? Russia is inadmissable
is it meant to be the worlds leading economies? Russia is inadmissable. Russia is pondscum compared to China. and no one is barking about China being added to the G7/G8
The G7 is fast becoming Obsolete. too
the whole reason the G7 exists, is because Russia was expelled from its predecessor, the G8
There is no argument for readmitting Russia, because Russia is an economic pissant compared to China, The weaker members of the G7 like Italy and Canada still have larger economies than Russia, and there are other states who have a better argument for Russia's old spot, like Australia or possibly India.
The G7/G8 was kind of like BRICS. it wasn't a formal alliance, it was an amalgamation of friendly countries with leading economies. The G8 was Russia's gateway to playing footsie with Western countries it shared zero common ground with. and only used it as a tool to try to loot and pillage. Russia is not a "Western" country, and it permanetley made that distinction in 2022.
The poorly-regulated militias are currently cheering all of this on.
Trump says and wants a lot of things.
The "militias" never were a thing. The closest to that are rightwinger klans, that probably are working on either support the coup or return the US to the old ways where the preferred dress code for non-whites was loin cloth and chains...
Because it was G8. They changed the name to G7 after Russia got the boot.
It's been the G6+1 for a while now.