Trump administration says it has begun deporting migrants to Guantánamo Bay
The first part of doing this intellectual exercise should be to eliminate the obviously unacceptable options. For example we can pretty definitively say, right off the bat, that a concentration camp in Guantanamo Bay is not worth considering even for a moment.
To my fellow Americans:
You may think you are above this and since you voted you are guilt free but today, and every other day since the election, you are MAGA and no one watching from the outside will take the time to ask who you voted for.
If you think you are powerless you're wrong, your power just isn't concentrated into a swimming pool of $ signs. You can do more then vote you can elevate your brother. Everyday, you can elevate someone you know who will fight for your cause. At the grocery, you can let them in line in front of you, on the high way you can let them pass, in the town hall you can let them speak, every day you have the power to lift up those around you.
confirming circular logic is circular... got it
Did the $130 million Biden gave to a private contractor to run Guantanamo appear out of thin air?
I could definitely see that being a right wing talking point at the time.
ive been seeing some supposed marxists spreading a narrative that the deportations havent actually increased with trump, that he's just been advertising what was already going on in previous governments, to please his supporters.
Is this thing of sending immigrants to guantanamo a new thing? is it much worse than before? is the narrative i mentioned a big distortion of reality?
No you don’t get it. They did this because the Bush administration didn’t want to confront the problem of potentially innocent people being murdered so they did nothing and other administrations chose to continue with that.
Sure these people should have been housed in the USA but can you imagine how few would live to see trial?
Guantanamo is new ripple as far as the broader public is aware.
Deportation hard numbers don't fluctuate much from admin to admin.
The process in how they're deported was handled a lot differently under Trump than previous. More saber rattling and human rights concerns.
No you don’t get it. They did this because the Bush administration didn’t want to confront the problem of potentially innocent people being murdered
If this was their concern, why didn't they just let them go? take them back where they took them from? after all, they didn't have enough evidence to even charge them
Side note, you should really check your reasoning here bud. You are literally arguing that the USA, in an abundance of care for the safety of certain people, they took them and left them to rot in a concentration camp for decades...
They grabbed people ostensibly from battlefields. They aren’t collecting evidence in a firefight. This isn’t a cop tv show. Theoretically battlefield combatants do not have the rights you seem to think they do.
You should check your reading comprehension. I said they left these people to rot out of an unwillingness to confront the issue. Placing them in US prisons would mean most would be killed or harmed so instead of trying to resolve the issue the administration kicked the can to the next who did the same.
If you think Im defending this choice you are mistaken.
it’s definitely increasing under trump already….
but go ahead and cite your claims. -
They grabbed people ostensibly from battlefields. They aren’t collecting evidence in a firefight. This isn’t a cop tv show. Theoretically battlefield combatants do not have the rights you seem to think they do.
I do not know what rights you think I think they have... but they do have some rights in International Law, not that the USA cares but they do.
Also, if all it takes is for someone to be in a "battlefield" to be automatically a combatant, well, it only shows your very American view of the world when you have never fought on your own soil. These villages, some of the poorest places on Earth, are the battefields. Where did you expect these people to go? their summer houses while the conflict passes? maybe take a sabatical from gathering dirty water from the only river while the solutions fixes itself?
If you think Im defending this choice you are mistaken.
Fair... my point against your line of thinking is that I would bet my left nut there was less than zero consideration for the safety of the detainees... In fact, the #1 reason they were put in Guantanamo to begin with was to "respect" somewhat the USA constitution, you know back in the good old days when they were at least pretending the constitution meant something
The Biden administration refused to pay money towards it, that money was paid for by the state of Illinois, brought forth by governor J.B. Pritzker from what I see. It went from 40 people down to 15 during his presidency. He should have closed it but I don't see any where that he paid that money.
You might want to go look for what body enforces those laws and whether the USA is part of that system (they are not).
You know nothing about me. You aren’t psychic and you have repeatedly misunderstood what was written. You should not presume that you are well informed on this subject based on what you have shown here.
I promise you there were talks about this. It was in fact covered. The catch is no one really cares about these prisoners because there is no incentive for them to. It’s akin to how China understands they shouldn’t have engaged in the ethnic cleansing of the Uighurs but no one had a “better” idea so they made the bad choice and stuck to it.
i see, thank you
At least part of the reason is the people captured in the war on terror occupied a legal gray area. They are sort of like soldiers, so they are not subject to American civil or criminal law. But they don't belong to a military organization with a formal chain of command, so they are not signatories to the Geneva Convention or any other treaties concerning conduct in war.
Even if they were tried and found guilty in a military court for 'being terrorists', eventually their prison sentences would end. So what do we do with them now? A lot of their home countries didn't want them back (although now the Taliban government of Afghanistan will probably take back their citizens).
Basically, the entire Gitmo internment of fighters captured in the war on terror was a great big mess. It was really easy for Obama and Biden to say on the campaign trail that they would shut down Gitmo, but actually dealing with the prisoners in a politically acceptable way was very, very difficult. It was easier to hope people would forget about them.
BTW - some Gitmo detainees did get released over the years.
Internal US news is not World.
Yes, Guantánamo Bay is technically in Cuba, but it's effectively "the US".ánamo_Bay
"The United States exercises jurisdiction and control over this territory as the home of the Guantanamo Bay Naval Base, while recognizing that Cuba retains ultimate sovereignty.[2][3]"