What is the weirdest PDF you have in your downloads?
It’s an interesting concept and seems plausible enough (same as with Planet X, Nemesis.. ok some of that Nibiru stuff is ridiculous) but like, the evidence just isn’t there to support it. Feels like we should have found SOME evidence for this kind of interstellar disaster by now. I don’t know, maybe I’m wrong.
I came in here to post about having a copy of Titus Burkhardt's Alchemy tome and DKMU Assault On Reality but I think yours might take the cake instead, as well as possibly including both of those texts.
The Airplane Flying Handbook, I guess.
CIA sabotage handbook.
I've got the Pokemon Quartz pokedex. It's pretty cursed.
What's a pdf that most surprised you?
Ahh, probably the one that gave visuals of bloat and skin slippage.
I've seen plenty of dead bodies (did some hospice work, ran across a suicide in the woods, and a few accidents), but I'd never seen that segment of decomp.
It's both worse than I expected, and somehow not as bad.
Probably Grontar: The Frutang, circa 2004.
Eating a meal, a Succulent Chinese Meal
The Death report for Kurt Cobain. Mostly from morbid curiosity and a love for Nirvana. I don’t do that for everyone or anything like that. That’s the weirdest one.
Let's see, The CIA's Simple Sabotage Field Manual, some paper on MKultra, some paper about The Hum, Some scientific paper on the longevity of recordable optical media, and a paper about crows.
This feels pretty niche...
For burning kuran ?
Where do you usually find it at? I'm a horror writer and that sort of thing would be handy to have for my work.
Are there any vulnerabilities? Asking for a friend
Get your hands off my penis!
A mock dictionary of Portuguese gay slang and vocabulary. It's pretty fun.
"Countries where suicide is outlawed.pdf"
It used to be Google scholar. It was pretty easy to find good stuff when I was digging into it. Not sure if it's still a reliable place though
Nothing too weird. Multiple manuals of objects that I own, probably the weirdest of which is a German manual for my Canon EOS 300 (I'm not German). And some machine learning papers, among which a paper from 1987, by Quinlan & Rivest, about decision trees (which is older than I am).