Flohmarkt - a Fediverse replacement for Facebook Marketplace
Cool. If u can host it as a tor hidden service that is a large an influential market that might benefit from such a thing. Haven't looked but it might need some additional features to work as a decent platform in that sense.
It reads like regurgitating dehydrated phlegm
This is what i need so i can finally delete facebook but unfortunately this is too early and small with nothing piblically uk based and no one looking at it so things would never sell.
Why would English be objectively better than German?
At least most speakers of European languages will pronounce it close enough to German - though most will not do make the r in markt as hard as Germans do.
What localities does this operate in so far?
That name...
Initial impressions of the name are not great.
The name has already made this nonviable for the average person
Because more people speak it?
Got it, let's name it in mandarin then
Language Native Speakers Total Speakers Sources English ~380 million ~1.5 billion Wikipedia German ~76–95 million ~155–220 million Wikipedia Mandarin ~941 million–1.12 billion ~1.1–1.3 billion Wikipedia Well, it has 10x more speakers than German, but it still has fewer speakers than English and most of them are localised in a single country.
Yeah but if you had to search for it you'd have a trouble spelling it. Flowmarked would be how English speakers would hear that I think.
It probably needs an English brand name for outside the germano-sphere - fedimarket?
We have to stop sending end users to software solutions for web admins. We don't send them yo "nginx" or "apache", after all.
Someone throw up a website using this software and give the site a sensible name, and then direct users to that website.
"flow market"
And why should we name things for the exclusive convenience of monolingual English speakers to the detriment of everyone else?
Please stop being an obnoxious ass. English is the de-facto lingua franca of the world, acting like German is in any way comparable is just disingenuous.
This is about localization, not about renaming the thing
Interesting idea. How do you deal with illegal trade?
I love that you called it the lingua franca.
Why yes, English is the French.