Flohmarkt - a Fediverse replacement for Facebook Marketplace
Uh do you not know what "lingua franca" means or are you making a joke?
Flohcebook Marktplace
Sprich deutsch!
They need to use an easier name, like Kleinanzeigen or something
It's not that bad. It's just German for flea market. And English speakers shouldn't have an issue with at least "Markt". Not far from a cognate.
Definitely better names but I think the bigger hurdle is getting the critical mass to get something like marketplace to work in the fediverse even with the perfect name.
Close. It's flea market.
Swede here, see no issue with the name. I'll just ignore the h when pronouncing though.
I don't disagree conceptually, but English has been the lingua franca for a long time now.
I can't understand why every other fediverse name is so stupid as to be off putting to the average user.
My American brain wants to read it as "FlowMart", or "Flowmark". Neither of which I have a problem with.
Flohcebook mohktplohce
That's not an issue for brands. German and Chinese brands are just doing fine everywhere with the possible exception of the two countries in the world where people are not exposed to other languages.
Yep. It’s kind of annoying when people see everything through an “english” lense and assume anything that isn’t made to work for english speakers won’t work…
The latter. Though given the downvotes, I think people are either not smart enough to get it, or too smart and think I don't get it.
You just said what everyone thinks when they hear 'lingua franca' for the first time.
Oh look, the Queen of Naming has spoken! Everything should just be named "Facebook something" or "Twitter that".
Not enough umlauts to count as easy.
Chinese says hi.
Op has a point. Even English names that succeed internationally are somewhat bound by the ability of speakers of other languages to spell and pronounce the name. Y'all are here acting like what they're saying is hateful or something...