Trump says Palestinians have ‘no alternative’ but to leave Gaza
That's literally been the last year and you felt fine the whole time.
Canada is sending drugs or something, but conservatives have never cared about illegal immigration by white people. Latinos however are "different" and don't belong here. Currently that means non-American Latinos and the US, but it'll extend to Latino Americans in the wrong place within the US. It's never been about citizenship.
You do now.
Man the phrasing for this comment is so suspicious. People who care about Jewish people do not use "Jew" as an adjective.
Ooh, a statement. Well that's all she, or anyone else who supports Palestinians getting to stay alive and in their homes can do now. Everything we're discussing on this thread has become pointless, because the side that wants Israel to take both Gaza and the West Bank and violently remove all the residents there npw controls all branches of the federal government. It's gonna happen, and we've run out of ways to stop it after this last election. You may as well demand your pet cat make a statement, it will have as much effect.
Source on that leaked paper please?
Honestly thank you for being here and writing this. The "but Kamala" comments are super hurtful to me because I remember how the Americans have been treating us ever since. My entire family is displaced from Palestine, had to abandon studies in Syria, Iraq back in the day, had to flee again from Kuwait, my friends and acquaintances together have lost hundreds of family members. I don’t know a single Palestinian out there who hasn’t lost either family or friends, or who has family or friends who moved abroad for good.
We’ve been suffering from ethnic cleansing, apartheid, collective gaslighting since 1948 and we’ve been facing violence and terror since even much longer. As if it would make a difference to us if the person who’s literally providing the means to annihilate us is saying nice words while doing the opposite? Trump is escalating our annihilation and we never doubted that, but the Gaza genocide alone has been going on for almost 1.5 years and there was no Trump.
Many people here really don’t seem to care about the actual people. The same way we aren’t human to Trump & the Zionists, I don’t feel human when Harris supporters use Palestinians to say "I told you so".
It’s crazy how easy trump and his buddy netanyahu played you guys in a way that it benefited him. The American left completely splintered into subgroups that all hated each other and nobody was good enough to be an ally. If you were slightly right or even left of their firm views, your help wasn’t wanted. Just a bunch of left leaning voters slinging shit at each other and NOT voting. Meanwhile the right was unified and laughing at you guys, way to go. You shot yourself in the foot and call it a win cause you got blood on the democrats.
The same democrats you are now demanding should save you from all this shit you guys enabled.
Sincerely, a Canadian.
You do know that we also have internet and stuff right? None of us congratulates you for voting the Democrats. You people are sick for using us to bully people who didn’t vote for your party.
The genocide unfolded under the Biden administration and the ethnic cleansing and apartheid already happened under Trump, Obama, Bush, Clinton and whoever was before that. To us you are all the same. Trump is a horrible person and he's saying the quiet part out loud, but that doesn’t make all the other politicians any better.
I'm sure being rude to people will definitely get them to do what you want and abandon society.
I know I'm always able to get my way by being rude.
What specifically did you do to try to stop it other than rant and rave on the internet and not vote for certain people?
"We" are making a whole lot of assumptions about total strangers on the internet.
Please delineate the differences.
What specifically have you done to help Palestinians other than not vote for certain people and berate people on the internet?
None of these people bother to talk to Palestinians. They don't have to. They know what the simple little people over there need.
I'm going to throw so-called anti-genocide people under the bus because it's very clear that most of you didn't do dick about it and thought that being jerks to people online and not voting for certain candidates was all that was needed to be done, while I was working my ass off in emails, on the phone and in person.
And I get berated when I bring that up by so-called anti-genocide people too.
Do you think the "days long flame war" might not happen if you didn't do things like call people idiots?
Are you seriously arguing that we didn't know what Kamala would do on this so Trump, who was very clear about it, was a better alternative?
I'm "sour" because I had to flee the country because people like you cared more about a genocide on the other side of the planet than the genocides that were going to start (and now have started) domestically.
And people like you still obviously don't care about them. Some are denying they are happening or will ever happen.
I really believe the outcome for the millions of brown and queer people in America would have been different if Trump didn't win.
And my 'why' here has been the same why for months- why did that not matter?