Trump says Palestinians have ‘no alternative’ but to leave Gaza
80% of Israelis support ethnic cleansing of Gaza. If they actually attempt it, what makes you think Biden/Kamala would have tried to stop it?
I think the only difference is that Trump would cheer on the cleansing while Kamala would have tut tutted about it.
Kamala isn't dead. She hasn't fallen off the face of the Earth. Has she released any statement even now condemning the idea? She doesn't even have to fear AIPAC anymore. She has nothing to lose in condemning the idea. If she won't even release a statement condemning it now, what makes you think she would have lifted a finger to prevent it if she had been elected?
That was the whole point of the uncommitted movement. The only difference between Trump and Kamala's Israel policy is that Trump vocally supports war crimes, while Kamala quietly supports them.
Trump repeated the suggestion that Gaza’s population should be relocated to Jordan and Egypt
So trump advocating for illegal immigration to Jordan and Egypt? Didn't he just throw a fit claiming Canada and Mexico are supporting that to the USA?
no. we're pissed at people like you because you bought obvious right wing propaganda and refuse to own it. you ignored the principals of harm reduction in the anarchist movement to keep your soul clean. you don't care about what action in a given moment of time will result in the best outcome for the people you claim to care about. you care about being seen as right. i want to know. did you talk to anyone at the protests? did you talk to any Palestinians? because the people out there in the streets knew what was stake. we voted for kamala. we held our nose and did it because of the candidates who had a chance of becoming president, she gave us the best chances of continuing to fight for human rights.
and do you know what i noticed? your ilk has all but vanished from these leftist spaces online after the election. honestly, it's friggin' exhausting having people like you saying people like us are just trying to score points or virtue signaling.
yes. kamala harris, joe biden, and hillary clinton are all awful people who suck, and the democrats tried to get away with running someone right of what their base wanted because donald trump was SO HORRIBLE. that doesn't change the fact that donald trump really is SO HORRIBLE
My l*beral in christ I literally voted for kamala
Believe it or not, not everyone who doesn't like liberals is a conservative or "tankie", it's just that nobody likes you. "Meet an asshole every day" and all that
What evidence do you have that Kamala would have opposed this idea as president? Has she released any recent statement condemning the idea? It's actually a lot easier for her to do so now than it would have been with her as president. She's a private citizen now; she need not fear AIPAC campaign dollars. She need not fear offending Biden. She's not lifting a finger to condemn the idea now, when she faces zero downside in doing so. What makes you think she would have opposed it as president?
Sure, Trump is a lot more vocal in his support of ethnic cleansing than Kamala would have been. But I think Kamala would have simply looked the other way and refused to intervene if Israel attempted it. I see zero indication in her actual behavior that she would have intervened if she was currently president.
Exactly. Kamala isn't facing AIPAC anymore. She's not running for office. She faces literally zero downside in publicly condemning the idea. Since she isn't condemning it now, why would anyone assume she would do it if she were currently president, when the pressures against her would be much higher?
Trump is full of shit.
There's no other place for the Palestinians to go.
Egypt and Jordan aren't going to take Palestinians from Gaza, so all of his talk is just bluster meant to appeal to Israeli right wingers.
voting is not harm reduction
There's Wyoming.
it's a tiny itsy bitsy miniscule aspect of it
Does anyone remember what fueled many of the Al Qaeda operatives hate for America? It had nothing to do with the brutal suppression of Palestinians, right? ...right?
no, harm reduction is recognizing the harm is going to come, and mitigating the consequences. it's not voting for someone who might only cause some harm.
Replace Independents with Democrats, and the same is still true.
Notice how all those bot accounts that were so active leading up to the election have completely vanished from the internet now? Yeah.
effectively throwing your vote in the bin for a candidate that has zero chance of winning
So Biden and Harris? What even is your argument here?
Seems like a good reason to stay home then.
What would a Democratic win have changed here?
If the end result is the same I would certainly rather have non-fascist fucks in office
Seems like a good reason to stay home then.
I’m sorry, but were the democrats stopping the thing?
Stop framing this like this is on the people who didn’t want the genocide to happen. It’s such a weird victory lap I see people here taking. Without fail.
News: something horrible has happened in Gaza.
a bunch of people on lemmy: I was so right.
You’re reading news about people being ethnically cleansed and you’re patting yourselves on the back. What in the fuck.
The establishment US and the ownership class are all-in on this genocide. We are exactly where we would’ve been if Kamala had won. They all support Israel. The democrats just had to do some surface level finger wagging because they knew they were relying on the votes of a bunch of people who see how genocide for what it is. They were lying to you and you’re acting like Israel and the Palestinians aren’t on the same exact path they would’ve been had Kamala won.
You all are sick for taking these horrible stories as some kind of victory. The ownership class is pitting you against republicans, and you against the people who didnt vote exactly like you did in an election. And why was that? Because the people you voted for were enabling a fucking genocide.
As was said elsewhere, history won’t be kind to Biden, trump, Kamala, and Netanyahu. But it won’t be kind to the people who were looking the other way to vote for the enablers.
We were handed a shit sandwich. We all had zero good choices. So some people decided they couldn’t bring themselves to vote for enablers of genocide. That isn’t an incorrect decision. Stop fighting the people who—I mean, I’m assuming(?) you don’t support the genocide…—want to see the genocide end. Because what could you possibly be getting out of that but all these back pats you’re giving yourself?