Trump says Palestinians have ‘no alternative’ but to leave Gaza
I'm talking to you because you responded to me. anyone can read the thread. you claim they're trolling but I woke up to a message from you demanding to know what I'm doing to help with harm reduction. and when I clicked into the threead you were shitting on someone who is actually helping with harm reduction.
I know who the troll is.
Hillary bombed Lybia.
See here we have the exact reason why everybody hate american dems. The hypocrisy and self-centeredness. You're not better than the trumpers by international standards. Your so-called democratic party only have slightly better PR and guillible idiots quit passively supporting the duopoly.
Accusing people of bad faith seems to be something you greatly enjoy doing:
Also, don't you think maybe you should consider what I'm actually helping with? Or does it not count when I do it? Because that would seem like "bad faith" to me.
The same ceasefire that was on the table since April and was sabotaged by Israel repeatedly with no consequences from the Biden administration. And before that there were other ceasefire initiatives, that the Biden administration did not push Israel for. Also Biden himself praised how his team worked together closely with Trumps team in making the current ceasefire (that gets violated by Israel regularly) happen.
Finally Biden and Blinken kept repeatedly lying about Hamas not wanting a ceasefire, when it was Israel sabotaging the ceasefire negotiations, while Hamas kept saying they agreed to the proposal.
You simply cannot reject all the empirical evidence and flee into some idea of the actions of Biden to be somehow better, leave alone justifiable. More than 50,000, realistically more than 100,000 murdered Palestinians and the destruction of almost all of Gaza prove the contrary.
Trump now claiming that Palestinians would need to leave Gaza, because it became unlivable, screams to ask who made it unlivable. And there is more than 17,000,000,000 $ worth of bombs, that Biden delivered to Israel to make this destruction happen, as an answer to that.
Trump is speaking the quiet parts out loud. But Biden was steadfast in making it happen. And he and Harris kept emphasizing throughout the election campaigning, that they will stand by Israel no matter what. The reality is that both the DNC and the Reps want this genocide. They want to expand the US empire for their oligarchs. They will absolutely murder everyone who stands in the way of the empire, unless they are stopped from it.
And this is not a new story. Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan... Palestine is just another item on the list of bipartisan murder and destruction.
I'm absolutely right about each of the times I've pointed out bad faith engagement.
You still haven't told me what part of the ToS I have violated despite implying you have contacted the admins.
That seems like "bad faith engagement" to me.
don't you think maybe you should consider what I'm actually helping with
no. it's irrelevant to whether you're participating in this conversation productively. you're not. you're derailing.
This is the most accurate assessment of the whole situation I've seen.
You still haven't told me what part of the ToS I have violated
I don't get to determine that. it's up to mods and admins.
So you report people for violating rules even if you don't actually know what those rules are?
That definitely sounds like bad faith. And trolling. And a headache for the admin.
this definitely sounds like trolling.
They aren't herding me anywhere, without a fight.
That's why we arm ourselves, and train, and organize.
And it's been getting worse for everyone since like.... 1976 on so?
Like did you forget the preventable AIDS epidemic pushed by Reagan? The 1993 Crime Bill that tossed thousands or Black folk into prison? Crack cocaine introduced to our communities by the US government? Mass arrests of people protesting for racial justice? Gitmo? 1985 MOVE bombing? Indigenous Boarding Schools?
Do you understand how Senators are elected? The VAST majority of DNC voters didn't vote for Pelosi or Schumer because they aren't in their districts.
Maybe pay attention to the road so you don't accidentally drive your tank into those civilians, again.
Im not from the usa, but i know if i need to choose between a facist an a piece of shit i prefer the piece of shit, you punch facist, fight agains them, do whatever to dont give then any kind of power but you came to give me excuses to support a facist, and please dont came to me to say about the evil of the usa because a know very well, their shit my country too, never support a facist or give then an opportunitty
Then you are definitely violating the rules of this community right now:
But I won't report you for it, I just think the irony is very amusing.
Nono you see, Trump loves Palestinians, he’s moving them to a safe space so they don’t get genocided again.
Their land? Well he will take care of it in the meantime… What a humanitarian guy!
/s -
People really seem to think there is some sort of major dividing line between ethnic cleansing and genocide and I do not get it.
we're talking in circles. today is a big day for me. i suggest instead of responding to me when you're completely entrenched into your way of thought you spend some time today with some other marginalized people and help them out. i'm done with this conversation. it's clear you're the type of anarchist from David Rovics' "i'm a better anarchist than you"
That's a UN resolution, not an actual cease fire. The cease fire would require agreement from the warring parties involved.
And god, our history of vetoing UN resolutions against Israel is as long as my arm.
My favorite goes back to George W. Bush and his excuse to invade Iraq, if you recall he kept going on and on about how Iraq was in violation of something like 17 or 18 resolutions... Meanwhile Israel was breaking over 80 of them and it would have been more than 100 except for the US veto.