Trump says Palestinians have ‘no alternative’ but to leave Gaza
Neo-proudhonian mutualist with a dash of agorist praxis via non-violent counter-economic (r)evolution.
Changing the system by voting is not possible. The best we can do is pick the one closest aligned with our values, that will allow us to effectively organise (vs Trump turning the military on protestors/leftists), buy the Palestinians some time (vs literal cheering for ethnic clensing).
Faulting the people against the genocide for the scenario being our reality, and not the people who wouldn’t break with the idea that the genocide was something to support? You’re not an anarchist, you’re a bootlicker.
They're statists and authoritarians—I don’t expect them to listen to reason, and I can’t change that. My criticism is directed at those who actively pushed for a worsening of the genocide by enabling that screwball to take power, rather than supporting actual anti-genocide leftists who understand that, flawed as it is, liberalism is still preferable to outright fascism. You should know better. Instead, you keep shifting between shill gambit, baseless accusations and bad-faith comparisons.
^ This guy IMMEDIATELY starts a flame war with someone else under the same comment. Holy fuck man.
It's the only reason they care about palestine at all. It's nothing but a political stake for them, they don't give a shit about the people dying.
Lol you think there's gonna be a Palestine in 4 years...
Keep telling yourself that...even if she did it wouldn't have any affect on the gio primary
Cool cool.
Takes like this are why Palestine is gonna disappear in the next 4 years. -
It’s called not having English as a native language. I know this concept is hard to grasp for murican but please try.
^ For the record, the removed comment was censored under the "misinformation" rule, for alleging a common plot between Democrats and Republican politicians to ethnically cleanse Palestinians, citing unilateral U.S. support of "Israel" since 1948, and Biden's arming of "Israel" throughout the 2023-2025 genocide, as evidence.
Who's gonna fight the us?? Lmfao.
Look below your comment and see what a Palestinian thinks. And then kindly shut the fuck up with your false sense of superiority.
Your vote is the only power you have. That means you should use it as effectively as possible. Which means you shouldn't only use it on the ideologically pure, you also use it for people who are more in that direction than the alternative.
The result of this last election is someone who supports a Palestinian state lost, and someone who supports total Israeli domination won. Your takeaway that something else happened is rare and is not the takeaway of the media, the voters, or the parties. Palestine is now dead in American politics and support for Palestine in any form will now be seen as a liability, that is if any Palestinians are left after this term. Don't shoot the messenger.
You mean what one single Palestinian, if they are in fact Palestinian, thinks.
As far as a false sense of superiority, I have no sense of superiority at all. There is no doubt in my mind that I am the most inferior person you have ever talked to.
You mean a "flame war" where I never insulted anyone?
Sounds like a pretty one-sided war.
Here he goes.
Sorry about all these people man. And I am so fucking sorry about what’s happening in your country. Been protesting it for 15 or so years now in Canada and it seems to have done fuck all. And you can’t even talk to liberals about it because they’ve gone totally mask off about caring about young guys. I don’t know what to say man.
Nobody was going against it before. What don’t you guys understand about this?
I didn't insult you either. It seems like you both really want me to, but I have no interest in doing so.
If you can't see how what you said was rude, I think you have big problems.
I’ve contacted MLA’s and MP’s about it for every single federal and provincial election for the last 15 years as well and going to protests regularly to stop this shit. It doesn’t work because liberals won’t also pressure politicians and instead would call out leftists for not supporting the right genocide candidate.
Got it, everyone give up and don't push politicians to do the right thing because it doesn't work.