Trump says Palestinians have ‘no alternative’ but to leave Gaza
It is in fact not invalid. Hamas's rockets have been untargeted with next to zero actual civilian casualties, the purpose is to financially exhaust the "Iron Dome" system. And it's completely dishonest to frame it as "starting" a war, when the Occupied Palestinian territories, including Gaza, are under "Israeli" occupation per the definitions under international law (don't give me that "they took out their settlements in 2005" crap either).
Just not true. America largely believes in Trump. We are just that stupid.
Ethnic cleansing is as dirty a term its not an attempt to downplay it
Skipped the part where the trump family will end up owning it
Mostly lies and all the dead kids would call you on it if they could
Not at all what I said but go off.
Aaah, yes. Everyone's fault but your politicians.
rotted what brain
I want to disagree, but the mental gymnastics people will do to shield their party/candidate from any responsibility is amazing.
You literally said it doesn't work. You used those three specific words in that order.
The US President, yes. You have to understand that internationally, at this point, we just see this as just that: The US President. Your elections are your internal issue and we don't need to be expending all our energy psychoanalyzing your electoral system. As not-an-american, I don't give a damn about how mad you are at your fellow citizens who might or might not have stayed home at election day or voted in a way that you think was stupid. Not every fucking world event needs to be understood from the perspective of the role of Jill Fucking Stein as a spoiler candidate.
For additional record. 100% of the moderation on this post was done by a singular mod. Most of it was "uncivil" (and I agree with those)... But a few dissenting opinions that were not uncivil nor provably "misinformation" were classified as such. I don't necessarily even agree with your post, but I see nothing "misinformation" about it. I see legit concern over the system and an opinion based on observation of facts. Though I wouldn't come to the same conclusion you did... it's clear a certain mod is mad about it.
Mod is clearly drinking the Dem Kool-aid and is salty that you disagree with it. As clearly made obvious by the difference in responses on this thread... Top comment in the thread doesn't get taken down... it targets and others "independents", but your response and the other low effort meme that points out that on this specific issue dems and gop are functionally the same (in your opinions) is immediately smote.
It's funny because I often disagree with a Dem stance... and immediately get labeled a Republican or even fascist... Which immediately shuts down 100% of any possible reasonable conversation that you could have. Same with these mods who just censor anything that remotely goes against what they believe in.
Yes, thank you. I can understand deleting like, flat-eartherism or something, but when your worldview is something you've really lazily assembled, and you disagree with somebody but don't really have anything to disprove it, you belong nowhere near that delete button.
I'd ask protest voters if they're feeling pretty stupid right now, but the truth is they never gave a flying fuck about Palestinians. They only cared about feeling morally superior.
Trash humans.
They went from passing oppressive laws against Jews to turning them to ash in a frighteningly short period of time.
Fascism is 100% here and our nation is asleep at the fucking wheel.
Never been more ashamed to be an American.
Trump is really thinking outside of the box to bring an end to this artificial conflict for good.
Rounding people up and dumping them in another country.
I honestly don't know what to do with your comment other than laugh at it.
That means voting for parties that are to the left of fascists and that have a chance of winning. In the US, that’s the Democrats.
You're reaching out to people too stupid to understand basic logic.
Which is why an anti-democratic felon rapist is our leader and is currently deconstructing our federal government.
I see no difference between a Trump voter and those stupid enough to vote 3rd party or abstain from voting.
They are all scum, equally.
This narrative that Muslims voted for this is disgusting when they really had no choice in the matter
Lol. They absolutely had a choice.
A shitty choice and a REAAAAAAALLY shitty choice are two different choices. They chose poorly.
Lick the fucking boot more why don't you? Must not know any Palestinians.
Vote for a guy funding an ally doing bad things but at least expressing disapproval and working for a party that has been known to be flexible with its constituent's desires.
Vote for a guy that made it clear before the election that he believes Israel should steamroll Palestine and is the leader of a party that he 100% controls, so there's no room for flexibility.
Hamas’s rockets have been untargeted with next to zero actual civilian casualties, the purpose is to financially exhaust the “Iron Dome” system.
Your statement is a logical contradiction. The Iron Dome does not activate when the projected path of the rocket does not appear to target civilians, so the only way to activate Iron Dome is to target civilians. Untargeted would imply that they're just sending them in random directions which is obviously not the case. No surprise though since Gaza has been intentionally targeting civilians since 1950. One could say almost exclusively targeting civilians. They've been begging for exactly what they finally got, but they hoped for a repeat of the six day war but with a happier ending. Imagine that each bomb dropped on Gaza today is a refund of a bomb that has been thrown at them over the last 20 years.
The internet loves videos of a little guy picking on a bigger stronger guy and then getting smashed into paste for his trouble. That's how this looks.
To bring this back to the subject of your vote for Trump; Israel exists in its current form as a projection of American influence, from its very inception this was intended to be the case. Its very existence relies on the fact that the usa can use Israel as a base of operations when it comes to keeping the flow of oil moving, and as long as that area has oil that we want this is going to continue regardless of anything else. Not voting for the people who have some shame and want it soft lands you with the people with no shame who wouldn't scrape a dead Gazian child off their shoe, and that's where we are right now.