Trump says Palestinians have ‘no alternative’ but to leave Gaza
The important thing is that everyone should know my hands are clean of this because I didn't vote for either party.
This is not a particularly helpful message for the time being since the election is past and won’t be for a while at best.
Other countries will have elections to determine if they have a fascist takeover in the next four years and beyond. Canada's next election is October 20, 2025 but could be called sooner.
This is more a wish on what could have been and leaves little room for current discourse when this is a dead end topic.
American accelerationists still need to learn their lessons. There was a hate crime in my home town recently against a member of the LGBTQ+ community. People in the local LGBTQ+ community went to a meeting to express their concerns directly to the police force responsible for conducting the investigation. This was an exercise in demonstrating power. The local news is talking about it and people know we will not accept intolerance.
So the election has passed in America, but many of us may find out there are opportunities to make a difference and be vocal. A person needs to understand that doing nothing isn't useful to participate in that kind of a moment.
Accelerationism is alive and well as is demonstrated by people in this comment section. So even though we can't change the 2024 election results, we are going to keep talking about them. If we do not, the 2026 and 2028 elections, which are not guaranteed to happen now, will look very similar. Even if there are no more elections in America there are still people who need help. They will not get that help unless people believe they need to be helping.
I don't think these people actually care about Palestinians, it's team sports. They care more about saying "I told ya so" than advocating for people who are suffering.
They just don’t seem to get any consequences for it.
The consequences are that Democrat politicians live in a fascist dictatorship, are persecuted politically, and remembered for their incompetence. Many of them are rich enough that they will probably not feel the impacts anytime soon, it really depends how serious Trump is on the retribution.
What's important is to care more about people than punishing the Democrats. If we are lucky enough to have future elections, we need to see the Democratic Party as a tool. edit: typo
They should have voted neoliberal.
There are more than one lesson to learn from an election. People need to learn to vote for the furthest left viable political party that they can. Democrats need to learn to adopt a populists narrative that pushes progressive and socialist ideas. Democrats are unlikely to do this until they are co-opted by progressives and socialists the way Republicans were co-opted by Trump. But delaying fascism as long as possible gives progressives and socialists more time to take control of the Democratic Party.
Rhe important thing is that we elected a candidate with ideological purity. It's just that that ideology is fascism.
I didn’t stop doing anything, what are you even talking about man?
Consider this:
When kid A breaks an action figure of kid B and kid B then pulls the hair of kid A you still make kid A apologize first as they started it.If however kid B proceeds to gang up on kid A, stab them, pee on them while they're lying in the ground bleeding and then start running off with a gas can and lighter promising to burn kid As house down, ... Well, then you fucking stop kid B and call child protection services to get that kid some serious help.
I know this might not be a perfect metaphor, but I'm so tired of pretending Israel is purely a victim defending themselves. They've gone past retribution a long time ago.
If you have absolutely no empathy for fellow human beings, no sense of morality …… I guess that describes the orange guy
I voted for Vermin Supreme because ponies and Americans really need to learn how to brush their teeth.
That's good to hear. In the future, don't use "Jew" as an adjective. It's pretty much exclusively used by antisemites.
so, are we only allowed to say ‘genocide’ when criticizing democrats?
Biden is complicit in genocide.
but when republicans do it “it’s not a genocide, it’s ethnic cleansing”.
Trump did call for ethnic cleansing. It's good people are calling him out on this, because that is what he did. The issue is that we should all be calling him out on genocide as well. There is no such thing as a peaceful ethnic cleansing. So when Trump called for ethnic cleansing it was also a call for genocide. I found this relevant quote on wiki:
"How could ‘forced deportation’ ever be achieved without extreme coercion, indeed violence? How, indeed, could deportation not be forced? How could people not resist? How could it not involve the destruction of a community, of the way of life that a group has enjoyed over a period of time? How could those who deported a group not intend this destruction? In what significant way is the forcible removal of a population from their homeland different from the destruction’ of a group? If the boundary between ‘cleansing’ and genocide is unreal, why police it?"
Peaceful ethnic cleansing is an oxymoron. Peace is mutually exclusive from forceful relocation.
I will update my above comment to reflect this.
It's important that we make it clear that there is no way to do an ethnic cleansing without genocide. I've updated my comment.
The last election is where democracy died.
There are other countries with their own elections facing the threat of a fascist takeover. Canada has one on October 20, 2025 that could be called earlier.
I don’t think that legitimate elections are happening in 4 years. They’re gutting everything and installing their flunkies just as they said they would in p2025.
I think that it is likely we will not get fair and free elections if any elections at all in 2026 and 2028. It's still possible that we do. We thankfully cannot rule out fascist incompetence in general, but we can't count on it either for specific things. Regardless if we do have elections or not, having a movement that can win elections in theory is still useful for resisting and defeating fascism.
This will mean fuck all the to Palestinians who became “displaced persons” just so the Israeli’s can have their own Lebensraum.
Does Lebensraum mean not to get attacked by your neighbors?
I'm not justifying this plan but to say that was Israel wanted all along when they disengaged in 2005 and didn't due start the war is a bit out there -
You've got to put a /s on that. People in this comment section unironically believe that.
I found this quote useful so I'm going to put it here as well as it seems incredibly relevant.
"How could ‘forced deportation’ ever be achieved without extreme coercion, indeed violence? How, indeed, could deportation not be forced? How could people not resist? How could it not involve the destruction of a community, of the way of life that a group has enjoyed over a period of time? How could those who deported a group not intend this destruction? In what significant way is the forcible removal of a population from their homeland different from the destruction’ of a group? If the boundary between ‘cleansing’ and genocide is unreal, why police it?"
Wow it's almost like this was predictable. Good thing all those liberals who didn't vote for Harris could not have possibly known Trump would be even worse....
It shows how much they actually care about Palestinians if that's the takeaway from this...
Sure sure keep blaming Biden, just like Netanyahu wanted you to. Enjoy Trump’s approach to Palestine
Vote for a guy funding an ally doing bad things
Doing bad things? I suppose Elon just made a straight arm gesture, too? Or is it only blue team that gets euphemisms?
Vote for someone saying Israel is an ally and has a right to defend itself while they carry out genocide or voting for someone who says Israel should do genocide doesn't sound different to me in substance, only in window dressing.
I voted for Harris btw, so don't start.