Trump says Palestinians have ‘no alternative’ but to leave Gaza
Im telling you because no matter what you claim to be you’re acting like a liberal.
At least now the democrats cares about palestine lmao
I call them "sore losers"
Say what then? What’s the correct word?
So you’re not following the standard definition.
Babylon and Israel/America
Ah, there is a misunderstanding here.
I'm not a fan of Biden. I didn't even vote for him in the last election. I'd much rather be angry about the amount of weapons we are still supplying to Israel, than be on here skewering the morons who threw out the baby with the bathwater and skull fucked the country for the foreseeable future. I'm gonna do this every fucking time trump does something shitty to Palestine, because 4 fucking years is damn long time for the protest voter's and abstainer's goldfish mental faculties to remember what their little stunt cost everyone.
No I'm saying you made the claim that they disappeared because they're bots. I'm saying that you're the one who should give proof in this case
All the "Genocide Joe" complainers are nowhere to be found. Funny how that works.
Though for this specific topic "genocide of Jewish people" would be better than "Jewish genocide" as the latter is unclear if the genocide is being perpetuated by or against Jewish people (and also the larger Jewish population shouldn't be held responsible for the actions of Israel). Neither would have alarm bells going off in the same way as using "Jew" as an adjective though. That's a very specific white supremacist phrasing.
You are right
I don't think you can blame the Dems for a majority of Americans voting for a man his own current VP once called "America's Hitler". We are here entirely because the majority of Americans wanted this.
In case you aren't aware our presidential elections aren't decided by popular vote but but electoral vote for each state apportioned sort of but not evenly according to population of state. If you get 50% + 1 vote in a given state you get all of that state's vote. You could in theory win as a red candidate with 40% of the popular vote. The majority of electoral votes are a foregone conclusion and even almost 40% of the vote in competitive states.
You could run your neighbors dog's ass as team red and win all of the vote in red states and 40% of the vote in purple states.
The entire direction of our country is determined by how as little as 2% of the county votes in 6 states. This privileges the conservatives control the country better than half the time despite only winning the popular vote twice in the last 32 years. Based on our constitution we can't change it without either their assent or a civil war and breakdown of all order.
You should make this comment in a thread about Israel and Palestine vs in an article about Trump. It's not making it about Trump to discuss Trump in an article about Trump.
That said its not our fault Israel is a clusterfuck. It's a clusterfuck because of Palestinians and Israelis. Furthermore before it was Israel it was a British territory. The US is to schizophrenic and too morally weak to rely on to save anything. Save yourself or drown.
You should make this comment in a thread about Israel and Palestine vs in an article about Trump.
If this was /c/news you'd be right and I should not bother with this kind of comment, because then it would be about looking at this from the point of view of US politics. This is /c/world news. Trump is not a candidate that won your election, Trump is the sitting US president. Like, listen, if Trudeau says something stupid about Palestine, it would be ridiculous for a bunch of Canadians to brigade the thread and make it about how strategic NDP voters spoiled the last Canadian election. You would be complaining and you'd be right. If we were to go do that over at /c/canada, we'd be right to tell you off if you complain, but here in /c/world, you'd be right.
It’s not making it about Trump to discuss Trump in an article about Trump.
I didn't say don't make it about Trump. I said stop whining about your last election. We don't care any more, it's tired, and it's stupid and I don't fucking want to hear about how mad you are at Jill Stein or Kamala any more. If you want to whine about other Americans, go to /c/news and knock yourself out.
That said its not our fault Israel is a clusterfuck. It’s a clusterfuck because of Palestinians and Israelis. Furthermore before it was Israel it was a British territory.
That's where you're wrong, yank. It is your fault. Your country has been enabling the Israelis for the last 5 decades. They would not be able to do shit if you didn't sell hand them over the weapons you do, if you didn't play their big brother lawyer at every single fucking UN institution, vetoing every single fucking condemnation for every single fucking crime that they do. They wouldn't be half as brazen if you were not doing everything possible to cover their asses at every single fucking opportunity you get. The Israelis are the primary culprit here, but the US is the reason why Israel keeps acting with complete fucking immunity and overwhelming power.
("you" == your country, not you personally)
The US is to schizophrenic and too morally weak to rely on to save anything. Save yourself or drown.
We agree on that one.
I mean I never used the term "Genocide Joe" it seemed a little silly, but I was and am a person who said that in good contious I could not suport Biden, or Harris who said the only difrence we would see is a republican in her cabinet. No where in here am I saying this is anything less than the same level of genocide... nor am I saying that this is not more blatent, but the reality is that it is not significantly worse than the previous, that was just constantly being bombed, and that was being enabled by Biden
Maybe just maybe they stopped complaining because there reason to complain is no longer there, and they are complaining with you that Trump is aiding in a genocide.
lets not confuse not voting for, and voting aganst
Your argument's defense of a nonexistent boundary between genocide and ethnic cleansing boils down to genocide denial. There is no agreed upon definition of ethnic cleansing. There is no way to peacefully forcefully relocate a group of people. An attempt to forcefully relocate a group of people is motivated by the desire to destroy that group in whole or in part.
The quote from the wiki article points out everything I have now written down in this comment. It's written as a series of rhetorical questions with clear answers. Your argument's effort to misrepresent the wiki page's descriptive analysis of ethnic cleansing as an official definition is an attempt to police a none existent boundary. You argument left out the last part of that section.
Multiple genocide scholars have criticized distinguishing between ethnic cleansing and genocide, with Martin Shaw arguing that forced deportation necessarily results in the destruction of a group and this must be foreseen by the perpetrators.
A call for ethnic cleansing is a call for genocide. There is no way to engage in peaceful forceful deportation or population transfer. There is no meaningful difference between getting rid of a group by forcefully removing them and destroying them.
The Armenian genocide involved death marches, into the desert without food or water. What's the meaningful difference between sending people to die in the desert and destroying them? There isn't one.
your dogmatism did nothing to stop genocide either. we are both in hell.
They don't, actually. They are practically masturbating to the idea of Palestinian genocide.