The Cybertruck Appears to Be More Deadly Than the Infamous Ford Pinto, According to a New Analysis
These are cybertruck owners....
Probably why he’s closed the CFPB.
Better than COVID...
Blade Runner vehicles were more aligned with 1960s coupes
I have no problem with something looking stupid. The problem for me is not just that it looks stupid, but that it is stupid
It seems obvious in hindsight. Sheet metal doors will crumple in a way that can't be opened, trapping occupants. The fire doesn't need to start in the relatively safe and armored battery system. It could be pinched wiring causing a short that ignites plastic interiors, or a fire from another vehicle spreading to the cybertruck.
I'm sure someone mentioned all this to them during design.
Look, all I'm asking is that Tesla investors lose all their goddamn money.
the maga crowd has diesel truck attache to their very masculinity, thats never happening.
Really took the wind out of my satirical comment that Musk wanted to bring back the Pinto.
You can’t use “literally” and
.. be over 14
I see you don’t understand testing things before they are safe for humans to be inside of. So by this logic, you are saying “blowing up rockets until it works” is also saying “crash testing cars is stupid.”
<blank stare>
If NASA was funded properly, we may not be leaning on one private company, whose owner is a nazi, to be paving our way forward for daily space activities. Can’t say things won’t blow up during testing, but at least it won’t be headed by that guy.
I look at the cartoon from Byrnes and it reminds me of the US healthcare system.
Blowing up rockets until it works is a far better approach than trying to get everything to work on the first try and ending up with a hugely overpriced white elephant.
I would trust a Smart Fortwo more than the POS Cybertruck.
I think it's also worth noting that Elon Musk is a scammer. Every other word out of his mouth is likely a lie. He's been claiming to already have technologies available for his Tesla cars, his SpaceX rockets, etc, all ready to go and.. it never happened. Tesla full self driving? The Tesla taxis? SpaceX on Mars? The Tesla laughably stupid robots? Even those were faked.
Claims after claims for decades and literally no results
The guy is a full on bait and switch yet everyone seems to lap up everything this scammer says.
is pure tech-bro-libertarianism
Tech bros are usually not libertarian. Being excited about a failed solution to only one of libertarian problems (blockchain) doesn't make one libertarian, too.
And like all libertarians, he’s stuck in the neoliberal mindset of less regulation (don’t scrutinize) and more efficiency (let me be cheap)
That's not libertarianism, more like Ayn Rand and her inverse bolshevism with good mighty benevolent industrial aristocracy and bad stupid mischievous everyone else. She even reads like one of Valentin Pikul's "historical novels", only with inverted good and bad guys. That ideology is radically different from libertarianism, instead of freedom, voluntarism, non-aggression and such, resulting in a free society with free contracts, Ayn Rand says that some people are better than the others and thus freedom, voluntarism, non-aggression etc are measures by relative value of the offender and the victim. It's jungle law.
Anyway, it's not "neoliberal" either, anti-monopoly regulations are part of the "ideal" free market model. And I think Elon likes patents and trademarks, which are not necessarily there (and in libertarianism are not a thing).
His transparent reasoning is that if he’s allowed to cut corners, he’ll save money today and consequences can be dealt with when they arise.
You might have seen the recent news about Tesla sales falling. Maybe it took so long because of accumulated trust into regulators not allowing car makers to make dangerous crap. So - then maybe in other reality, where Elon came to an industry already allowed to cut corners, he'd go bankrupt by now because of consumers understanding who he is.
Life is complex, I'm not saying he's right, just that.
He’s following the software model of release a minimally viable product and patch it later. Only instead of user frustration at being beta testers, you fucking die maybe.
The way software industry works, a lot of people have died due to its failures. One has to count people who've committed suicide due to events cause by some bug or even UX problem, people who failed to communicate something in time, thus possibly saving someone, people who disclosed what they shouldn't have, thus possibly causing a criminal death, medical errors due to software problems, wars, catastrophes.
But yes, it's already allowed to do that and Elon wants such wonders in other industries, so that we'd have a bit of natural selection in our daily lives. Dystopian cyberpunk is called dystopian because it's not utopian, but being a billionaire, I guess, one would dream of living in such instead of utopian version of boring past.
That's literally not true.
Normally I don't point it out. But this one was just too much.
The issue isn't the way of testing, but the two standards. If Musk blows up rockets in testing it's a genius move with rapid iteration. If NASA does this it's irresponsible handling of tax payer's money on risky endeavors.