What is one video game cheat code that will you will always remember?
Donkey Kong Country
B A R R A L - 50 lives
Shift+Control+B (in the Polish version), then
from The Sims
and you could dorosebud;!;!;!;!;!;!;!;
, it would error out because of the trailing semicolon, but still add money to your account, so you just held down Enter until you were satisfied with the amount of cash in your account -
Original Mortal Kombat blood code:
Nothing rolls off the tongue quite like Genie - Jafar - Aladdin - Abu... gets you to the last level of the SNES Aladdin game
Fanny magnet in vice city.
Up down left right Y B X A ..
I'm not even sure that that's right, and I'm not even sure what game it's for.
SNES definitely. Maybe Street Fighter II Turbo?
Done at the CAPCOM logo it'd make a sound, then- you could play as the bosses? Maybe?Or it's the movements for Zangief's spinning piledriver, heh.
(It's not) -
Star Wars Battlefront II PS2 invincibility: pause, hold L2/R2, press up, up, up, left, down, down, down, left, up, up, up, left, right
Works for Sonic 3D Blast on Genesis and probably the other games as well, but BARRACUDA (b a right right a c up d a) for certain things. I'd like to think it's debug mode, but I don't fully remember since it's been more than a few months since I last played and tried on either 3D Blast, 1, or 2.
There is no cow level
tuck tuck tuck and arrrrwalktheplank are two of my favourites. The first summons a monster truck in AoE3, and the second has a large pirate ship jump into the battle in Free Space 2.
Actually there is a set of missions in FS2 that can only be reached by cheating to become invincible during an event you were supposed to die I think.
I find it neat when companies put in assets and extra content most players wont find without trying to break things a bit.
ちよた にけら はとほ らすて のはて きらと なりは してと
復活の呪文 -
I had San Andreas on PS2 as a kid, only played it on PC a little bit as an adult; but, the fact that you type the cheat codes on a keyboard means they kinda make words, so i forgot the PS2 ones and i remember some PC ones.
Crusader: no regnet/ noch remorse
R2 R2 L1 R2 Left Down Right Up Left Down Right Up.
Valve games had me memorize so many commands I tucked around and ended up in IT
guitar hero 3 unlock all songs
Play the four colors that do not match each character in the phrase
ABYXABYXBABAYXXABYX - infinite thermal detonators in one of the Star Wars SNES games
Everylittlethingshedoes - unlock all magic in Warcraft 2
BEWAREOBLIVIONISATHAND - something in Turok 2. I think all weapons?
Name your character Totoro for invincibility in all Fromsoft games.