What is one video game cheat code that will you will always remember?
the first 'cheat code' that came to mind here isn't for a game:
Select • Play • Select • 30 • Select
DOOM: IDDQD - god mode, IDKFA - all weapons / items
SimCopter - I'M THE CEO OF MCDONNELL DOUGLAS unlocks all helicopters
The PANZER code in GTA Vice City to invoque a tank. I typed that shit like crazy when I was a child playing in the good ol' cyber cafés
B-A-R-R-A-L as the name of a new save in Donkey Kong Country to start with 50 lives. Also the Konami code obvi
andimpulse 101
Gothic's "Marvin".
And, OFC, dooms IDDQD and IDKFA -
Up up down down A B A B Start
I’m old.
Mk3 for super Nintendo
Kool stuff - Up up down down left right a b a
Kooler stuff - Select b a right left down down up up
Scott's stuff - X b a y up left down right down
Strait to Mike Tyson -
Cheat: power overwhelming
Effect: invencible units
The Protoss would chant the words is such a cool tone and way.
Imagine beating an entire Zerg wave with one unit.
DULLARD for cheat mode on SNES and I think Genesis Mortal Kombat.
Don't forget all the :;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;
"Get over here!"
007 373 5963
Mike Tyson's Punch Out
Doom had IDKFA that just basically gave you all the weapons and keys. I was a pretty young kid when that game was popular and all I wanted was all the guns.
It’s not a code, per se, but the method to get unlimited money on SimCity for SNES is forever in my brain. (I didn’t always use it but sometimes, I just wanted to make a cool city and not do the tax and budget stuff.)
Final level in Bubsy.
As others have already mentioned, IDKFA for Doom and didn't it work in Doom 2 as well?
I only ask because when ID Software released Heretic, a swords and sorcery style Doom game, I remember typing in IDKFA, expecting the same results. It was the Doom engine after all. Except typing in the classic code kills you instantly!
Another isn't strictly a cheat code. On the old 8bit computers the UK, you could enter some programming code to change the memory before loading in a game. (This is over simplified.)
Because of the altered memory, it would effect the game in some way. E.g. infinity health or lives.
I found a listing in a magazine which you could type in to help with the ZX Spectrum version of Batman: The Movie.
In this platform game, with the cheat, when a bad guy tried to climb a ladder, they would freeze.
This was very helpful and worked wonderfully all the way through the game. That was until you reached the very end whereupon the Joker was on a rope ladder attached to a helicopter.
The code interfered with the end of game boss in a way it wasn't expecting and the game would crash.
Warcraft III: iseedeadpeople to remove fog of war.