What do you guys use for Windows to Linux remote access?
I just use ssh, it seems to be built in to powershell these days
With disabled hardware decoding.
Second this, works just the same basically
It's OpenSSH on Windows. Nothing to do with powershell. You can use it in cmd too.
A Linux VirtualBox instance.
Can't be bothered to work around WSL's idiosyncrasies.
PuTTY or just SSH
So far the only reliable option for Plasma on Wayland...
If you have latest Windows 10 or 11, I believe ssh is now preinstalled so you can just use ssh from cmd or powershell.
If you want GUI as well, the easiest option is to use something like anydesk or something alike or just plain forwarding X over ssh with puTTY.
Since your issue is specifically wanting GUI, I'd recommend installing something like pufferpanel or pterodactyl/pelican, which give you a browser interface for running game servers. Pterodactyl/pelican is more popular, has more features and supports more games, while pufferpanel is simpler/lighter and easier to make your own templates for.
putty for ssh (Commandline)
Rustdesk for Video