Ontario slapping 25% surcharge on U.S.-bound electricity Monday, Ford says | RCI
There's definitely a lot wrong with a large portion of the American people.
What kind of protections though he is in violation of
NAFTA2erm.. USMCA that he negotiated himself. Technically what he is doing is illegal, but Republican Congress is letting him do it. -
Honestly he's even doing it for the right reasons. His country has been economically attacked. Not to respond would just make it worse.
Since Trump wants to complain about the trade deficit, Canada should cap exports to be equal to imports from the US. Poof no more trade deficit.
And Trump cares that these blue states will be cut off why?
I'm ok with this and live in one of the affected states.
It will likely take awhile for this to have any effect. I know at least in my state the utility needs to give a 30 day notice of rate hike and then that needs to then go to committee within public utility commission, who will basically arbitrate the request for increase.
Consequently, my supplier of electricity is a wholly owned Canadian company...so they'd actually be paying the increase until a rate hike was approved. Also, would a punitive rate hike even be approved?
They have enough trouble getting a 1% rate hike though for building infrastructure.
Add that to the eleigble voters who abstained and you have a sizable proportion of the adult population.
Where necessary or convenient, sure. But alcohol for example has so many other options that I see no reason to give them business ever again. Maybe in a few decades.
Hopefully they actually killed that contract and not just saying it for clout. They better have a plan to still provide better Internet services to these communities.
My wife's family had to deal with shitty xplornet services for years while living in the sticks. They literally had no internet for weeks and xplornet was like "we don't see any issues on our end". It took multiple calls to actually get a tech to finally come out, but then said nothing's wrong and left it at that, despite no internet still. Xplornet just eventually started ignoring their calls. They got starlink and haven't had an issue since. It sucks that it's owned by Elon "the man-child Nazi" Musk, who could just decide to cut off services in Canada. Doesn't help our own telecoms are dog shit in their own way either. It's long overdue getting the rural and remote communities access to Internet in Canada.
I suspect he's playing it up for the camera in order to differentiate himself from American conservatives now that they've begun turning on Canada. It's something I imagine we'll see out of Poilievre as well, because otherwise they'll quickly become unelectable.
Just remember that they were chums all up until this point, and that's still damning. Ford supported American conservatives all the way until the leopards turned to eat his face. Yeah, it's cool that he's going above and beyond to fight back now, but he still wants Ontario to act like Texas.
It's a Brand New Ford!
Plenty of red outside the cities, though, and if they figure out why they're suddenly paying more for electricity, it may change a few minds about Republicans.
Of course, they're more likely to just blame Democrats for it, but one can hope.
Not disagreeing at all. It's the standard right wing mode of operation, nothing matters until it affects them personally. It should be studied as a developmental disability.
I like it, but I'm a little confused.
Why does an individual province determine trade policy? Is this normal for Canada?
The deal is between the provincial utility, which provides the electricity, and the state utility. In the USA, the federal government controls most resource rights. In Canada, it's the provinces. Comparatively, provinces are a lot more powerful than states are. As I understand it.
Pretty sure american products don't have much of a presence outside of the USA because they're actually low-quality and expensive.
Michigan is a blue state?
Just cut off the oil, that would do it.
Trump himself signed the treaty that he now claims is unfair. The US doesn't have respect for honour, the law, or even reality anymore. They voted in a criminal to be their President, they have no respect for anything except money now.
There is no promise or treaty that will bring this to a conclusion forever.