Ontario slapping 25% surcharge on U.S.-bound electricity Monday, Ford says | RCI
Unlike the US we don’t hate, despise, and distrust the federal govt. No matter which party is in power. Even our Conservative Party supports gay marriage, trans & LGBTQ rights, equity, gun control and legal weed. Our govt has already put in place supports for those who will lose their jobs due to the US being a bag of dicks. We believe there is a role for federal govt and that it has responsibilities to uphold. We’re much closer ideologically to most European countries so we’re going to continue fostering our excellent relationships with France, Germany, the Netherlands, Austria, etc. The US is free to cut down its own national parks for lumber. Enjoy!
Just in case it isn't clear I don't support Trump nor the tariffs.
I voted against Trump and I hate him with a vengeance. I'm discussing the geopolitical and economic context of the tariffs and the dynamic between US and Canada. I was surprised when I started doing research about this recently just how reliant in the US Canada truly is. The numbers were shocking to me. Likewise with Mexico. For some reasons the news doesn't really cover these details.
There really is no world where the US is not Canada's largest trade partner. It doesn't matter what government is in power. No amount if federal unemployment would cover a quarter of your economy vanishing overnight.
And on the topic of a united Canada- https://www160.statcan.gc.ca/good-governance-saine-gouvernance/institutions-eng.htm
Public faith in federal institutions is at an all time low.. just like the US. Right wing populism is on the rise... just like the US. Canada is a lot closer to the US both culturally and politically than any European country. This should be intuitive- both are cut from the same cloth. British settler colonial societies.
And Canada is starting to fall victim to the same style of right-wing populism we are seeing in the US (Trump), Latin America (Brazil/Bolsonaro, Argentina/Milei), and Europe (UK/Brexit, Germany/AfD, Italy/FdI, France/Le Penn, Sweden/Dems) etc.
Don't let some vague sense of national pride blind you from seeing the truth for what it is. Confront the truth head on even if it is uncomfortable.
Just the usual conservative tactic of underfunding public healthcare to push brake healthcare practitioners and patients into privatised healthcare services, which leaves public healthcare services understaffed and just further snowballs into worse staffing issues at public healthcare services and leaves the state of access to healthcare in the province in an abysmal state.