Denizens of Lemmy, how did your hamster die?
The point for this post is to start several (hopefully) interesting threads of weird hamster death stories because apparently these things never die naturally?
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As usual Kiki shouted "Armageddon" when he had enough.
Old age, all of them
The average hamster lifespan in captivity is usually only something like 1-2 years, this guy lived for like 4.
He was in rough shape towards the end, his fur was falling out, he'd pretty much set up camp in one corner of his cage and rarely left.
Eventually my mom decided to take him to have him put down. I strongly suspect that we may be the only people to ever request that at the local SPCA
I think most county medical authorities accept "hamster" as a cause of death actually
She escaped into the ceiling and refused to come back out. We left food out for her, and she would eat it, but we never saw her again. We heard her though, yipping and scuttling about on various ceiling adventures. Rest well Frank Zappa the Second.
She was a replacement for my son because his other one (Frank Zappa the First) got sick and died while he was on holiday. His mum swapped them before he found out, but when she did so she forgot what colour the original hamster was (mix of dark/light brown). We had to convince my son that hamsters shed their baby fur and grow back a completely new colour (ginger/white).
Jamie passed away from old age and died peacefully in his sleep. He was my first childhood pet... RIP Jamie!!
Had two hamsters (Calvin and Hobbes) growing up. Both just got old and sick with old hamster stuff. Their deaths happened exactly the same way: my mom reaches into the cage because they haven’t been moving much for a while. Their last act of life is to bite her finger as hard as they can, so she naturally flings them at the wall in front of us kids. Splat.
I only ever had one, and he died of old age! But he sure tried his best to clock in early!
I remember about three months in, I came home from school only to find him suspended from the top of his cage by his right hind leg. Rushed him to the vet, got minor PTSD when the doc tied his stump and told us "the rest of it will fall off soon," and we threw that cage away the instant we got back home.
After that, Crunchy (rough translation) had the whole apartment to himself, and he sure liked to run right in front of you as you were walking! Would have rather broken my neck than step on the little fella (which I nearly did a couple of times - the neck part, not the stepping on him part).
But he was very loving and cute, he'd climb up either mum or myself while we were watching movies or playing vidya, he'd nestle above the collar bone, and sleep there for hours. Even my cat loved him to bits, they used to sleep together under my bed. He'd help himself to popcorn, chips, fried eggs, cereal (because of course he was allowed on the table, equal rights), and he once bathed in my soup.
My honorary hamster (a green anole lizard) escaped and was presumed dead. We found him and recaptured him over two years later, living on the spiders and other insects in my brother's basement bedroom and bathroom. He lived for several more years in captivity, and I renewed efforts to give him a variety of wild-caught food instead of just store bought feeder crickets. He died fat and happy of old age.
He was way too damn smart, a real escape artist. He opened the door on his cage. I wrapped a paperclip around it to add security. He still escaped.
Couldn't find him for a day or two. Heard him inside my bed which was not on a frame, so he chewed his way inside from the side. Gorged himself on foam and was fully blocked up. Died of intestinal trauma.
I couldn't keep him locked up, and he killed himself.
My first hamster, Lucky, died of old age and was, as best I could tell, happy and pleasant to interact with. He was somewhere around 4-5 years old. Given that later hamsters did not fare so well, I'm surprised my first one had such a peaceful life.
We brought back a hamster for our daughter without realizing she was pregnant. After having a giant litter, we gave them all away…or at least we thought we did? A day or two later, I saw a wiggling in the shavings and out pops a head. Our eyes locked momentarily before she dived back down.
Definitely the runt of the litter. Had all sorts of paranoia and cowered under things for most of her life. She was maybe a year old when my daughter came running up. "Guys, you gotta see Hester!" We rushed over and there she was, hanging from the bars at the top of the cage and swinging arm-to-arm across.
We were so happy for her, finally getting past her inhibitions and leading her best hamster life. Then she was curled up dead the next morning.
Non-denizens of Lemmy, how the hell did you even get here?
Old age. he was about 3.
One day he was happy and healthy. The next morning he was cold and dead. I have no idea.
Not to be a killjoy but they're such delicate creatures and people keep giving them to children while doing zero research about their needs. No wonder they keep dying weird deaths.
The tweet about the guy feeding cats to foxes can apply here
Me or my gram left the windows open and freez to death
Not mine, but my sister accidentally kicked a tall floor lamp over in her sleep. It landed right next to the glass aquarium her hamster was in. It had one of those really bright incandescent 100w bulbs.
Poor little guy cooked to death like a Thanksgiving turkey.