Trump Pauses Military Aid to Ukraine After Clash With Zelenskiy
the modern cia couldnt assassinate their way out of a cardboard bag
How much more do we have to witness before we accept, as a society, that Donald Trump and the GOP are enemies of the United States of America, and act accordingly?
We are suffering and losing our position as a world leader because of a felon rapist traitor. When are we going to stop this?
how is Trump so powerful?
The Republican party controls Congress and they have abdicated their responsibilities to our Constitution and, by extension, the American people in favor of an authoritarian because they have accepted him as their leader, thus giving away their own power.
Our forefathers never expected Congress to give away its own power. Because it doesn't really make any sense in the long term for them to do so.
We are experiencing a coup. Most Americans are too uneducated to understand this.
Have you decided what means are acceptable for resistance for yourself yet
Who had ‘Trump Picks a Fight With Zelenskyy In Order To Justify Pulling out Of Aid Agreements- Thereby Allowing Russia To Walk On In And Take What They Want’ on their bingo card?
We all saw this coming, right? The whole bullshit forced argument he created…
Tell me I’m not the only one that knew this was set-up to justify withdrawing all support and letting Russia have Ukraine. -
Yep. That pretty much summarizes is.
Don't get confused, ukraine and russia share a border there are many ukrainians living in russia and vice versa
"Narrative" has been an american conservative dog whistle for a while now, as far as I can tell.
It translates roughly to "the reported facts which should not be believed because they don't work for MY narrative." So basically just the usual projection. And it's even a smart-sounding word which really helps it carry weight with dummies.
In my limited exposure to the ramblings of conservative acquaintances, they now consider Zelensky to be a "little dictator" who was rude to their favorite douches.
Regarding Israel, I think it's something along the lines of "judeo-christian values" good, brown savages bad, and OH LOOK SOMETHING SHINY!! Sorry, you were saying?
Not every russian is wearing one
- Joining and organizing within your local community to create connections with others is incredibly powerful, will lay the groundwork for effective resistance.
- We can effect things drastically with a general strike. This can massively impact their income streams, and can bring a government to its knees if done on a large enough scale.
- Join the IWW and attempt to unionize your workplace, so that the general strike is even more effective.
If we put in the work, we can resist this and we can win. Join up with allies while we still can easily!
The shitty thing is, the checks and balances kind of still exist but the people in charge of them approve everything Trump is doing.
And then the constituents who are in charge of voting those people out ALSO approve of what they are doing and/or are too ignorant to notice. (Any illegal tampering with voter rolls and ballots notwithstanding)
How does one fix the culture of an entire nation? Ugh.
They are not going to stop that.
I hope every English sepaker doesn't count as "English". Wouldn't want to have a king.
Context clues, my friend.
That post is clearly referring to shooting Russian soldiers that have invaded.
And just to help you further, the adjective "Russian" in that sentence refers to the state for which the soldiers fight. So a "Russian soldier" could be some poor dude from North Korea who got shipped over.
To further aid understanding, look at the military of a diverse place like the United States. You will have "American soldiers" working side by side who have different ethnic backgrounds and were even born on other continents.
uh yes they execute ukraine daily.
During a war.
And fleeing? really? so if somebody takes your house by force and rapes your family you just flee?
Well, there's nothing they can do about the house but fleeing can prevent death and rape.
yeah sounds like a great solution
It's the reality of war.
Doesn't really matter most European tech is way ahead of the US anyway, it's just they the US pay stupid amounts to their own companies. I kinda feel most is tech is a super expensive con honestly.
I feel a cupholder on a US jet would be valued at something like 50,000. I'd honestly be really curious how a Rafale faded against say a f-35
My suspicion is an European jets would own an American ones while being a small fraction of the price.
Yesbim honestly saying while America spends stupid amount of. Defense they don't hold the slightest advantage tech wise.
No shit, so you do understand that if someone said the sentence quoted in the context of resistance, every person with a pulse will understand “they are shooting German troops soldiers or the Nazi” and not “every person with a German passport, who spoke German, etc.”?
We know that because we are describing a well documented war that happened in the past. If you were to come out with that quote in 1943 people would think they are shooting at everyone who is german.
You say i'm obtuse but i'm going to throw the ball back at you: you have to be obtuse not to notice the discrimination russians people are going under as a result of their government wrongdoings
If USA were to invade mexico and someone would come up with the quote "they are literally shooting every american they spot on their soil" wouldn't it sound odd?