Trump Pauses Military Aid to Ukraine After Clash With Zelenskiy
Imagine if i were pointing out a racist comment against mexicans and you come up saying i'm trying to fabricate sympathy for them...
It's exactly how trump operates. See the threat he posted this morning to block federal funding to universities that "let students protest" - he's going to block funding anyway, he just needs a plausible way to blame them for it.
Same thing here - a plausible way to blame Ukraine for withdrawing US support.
Plausible to maga anyway.
Yeah, I know... I'm just gonna go sit in the corner and silently weep for whatever is left of my children's future.
Isn't this more or less what T-bag said he would do?
Not justified, but the western version of the event is extremely falsified. Hakim has a good video on the topic.
My point is that the US has not been willing to escalate by using live rounds
Police violence aside
Guess what. War is gonna happen regardless. Except now the Ukrainians are going to have a harder time fighting back, while the russians start their pogroms.
You are not though. That's the point. You are making up bullshit to pretend you are to use "pointing out racism" as a moral shield. Pathetic, in fact.
Ok? Ukraine is obviously not targeting civilians in their drone strikes so your point is completely moot.
Ohhhh man we're gonna primary them so hard.
Only if you ignore the context.
If I said “Mexico isn’t even trying to end this war” and you said “they are literally shooting every American that steps across the border!” it would not sound odd at all.
And it certainly wouldn’t sound bigoted against an ethnicity.
The only remedy for abuse of power is impeachment, and that requires 50% +1 of the House of Representatives and 2/3 of the Senate. No president was ever convicted of impeachment charges. Democracy was only upheld by "norms and traditions" and with trump's disrespect for that, this is where we are... Checks and Balances only works against a corrupt individual, doesn't work against an entire party working together to destroy democracy.
The answer is simpler than that: the “checks and balances” system is a facade created to prevent meaningful progressive policy from passing.
Checks and Balances always work in favor of the more evil side.
The "Good Guys" would respect the checks of balances, making it harder to enact good policies. The "Bad Guys" would just ignore all this, and just use executive orders for everything, as we can see this administration doing right now.
Checks and Balances can only prevent corrupt individuals, it prevents one branch from becoming evil, not an entire party that has taken over all 3 branches of government, and working together to destroy democracy.
Not talked about, but I can talk about the Tulsa Race Massacre and the Ludlow Massacre without retribution from the US. I am able to.
I'm concerned when the US military is given full "The people are the enemy" attitude and to protest it becomes illegal.
We really needed something more akin to coalitions
I'm not an American but considering only 22% or so of population actually voted for trump I'm not sure you're right that entire US culture is just broken. Maybe the attack is just so effective that even with 80% resistance it's successful. I mean dudes wrote an entire plan book on in.
Maybe it's time to come to terms that the system is simply vulnerable. I come from infosec background and it seems quite clear to me that US democracy is just incredibly vulnerable to attacks despite the "checks and balances" memes.
Giving russia more power won't be any better for the world at large.
Oh yeah, I think it’s both, to be sure.
I am not surprised by Orange Krasnov. For the racist Ukrainian MAGAt supporters living in Brighton Beach, give yourself the single finger salute while staring at a mirror. You bunch of dumbfucks, you screwed Ukraine.