Whatever happened to Antifa?
Dude, OP didn't ask what anonymous has done that's significant in the last decade, they just asked what happened to anonymous, and this person gave an answer.
Interesting, you picked two brands which aren't really single groups.
'Antifa' is a social movement which developed from a red united front organization in 1930s Germany[1] and turned into a general brand we see today. Any group of antifascists can identify as antifa using symbols and tactics. You can find a friend and go be antifa.
Similarly, 'Anonymous' grew out of social justice activism on 4chan and, as the name suggests, is a fluid kind of identity. Anyone can use the name, the original chatroom/group is less and less relevant as time goes on.
Both collectives are still present and doing things, but antifa groups are far more relevant. They're just not in the news as often as they were during BLM. Anarchist blogs and media outlets (e.g. Unicorn Riot and It's Going Down) often have updates on recent antifascist actions, including disrupting neo-Nazi protests and infiltrating+sabotaging their organizations.
Antifa is a movement, not some centralised formally defined organisation. It's just short for anti-fascist. Plenty of antifascist groups still exist. Any group that labels itself as anti-fascist is antifa.
So for people trying to get attention, identifying as Antifa [...] probably doesn’t help them these days.
People doing actions for clout are likely to be shunned as opportunistic. A well-known antifascist guide to doxxing Nazis straight up says [paraphrasing] "seeking clout will make people skeptical of your actions, just don't do it".
Exactly, and you saw a lot more antifa folks showing up during the BLM protests because they were countering the Proud Boys and other chuds. Since a lot of top ranking Proud Boys went away for J6, and BLM protests have stopped we haven't seen antifa in the streets is all.
Are you against fascism? Are you willing to speak out and/or act out against it? Congratulations, comrade, you are antifa.
No, the joke you're making is about Anonymous, and the authorities trying to find the leader of them.
Antifa (Antifaschistische Aktion, Anti Fascism) on the other has will periodically form into local chapters (usually from members of other more permanent anarchist, communist, and protest groups), to participate in protests, produce things like stickers or book drives, run pop-up or community libraries, events and form other organizational structures or projects.
From Wikipedia:
The contemporary antifa movement has its roots in the West German Außerparlamentarische Opposition left-wing student movement and largely adopted the aesthetics of the first movement while being ideologically somewhat dissimilar. The first antifa groups in this tradition were founded by the Maoist Communist League in the early 1970s. From the late 1980s, West Germany's squatter scene and left-wing autonomism movement were the main contributors to the new antifa movement and in contrast to the earlier movement had a more anarcho-communist leaning. The contemporary movement has splintered into different groups and factions, including one anti-imperialist and anti-Zionist faction and one anti-German faction who strongly oppose each other, mainly over their views on Israel.
So yeah, antifa is a movement which does periodically have people participate in it.
Likewise with the French Resistance, or Marquis https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maquis_(World_War_II) - yes there various groups, and they had different structures, some of which were independent detached cells, at various points some were aided with more official supply, intel, organization, and assistance from allied forces, and required more communication and become more official due to this. So it was mixed, some completely independent, others less so.
This is part of what made them effective, and difficult to stop.
So what happened to him?
He went antifa
In the US maybe, but there's been plenty of antifa activity in eg Europe due to the sharp rise of the far-right. Antifa show up whenever there's fascist demos to counter them.
Nobody is a "member of antifa", usually we are part of groups like American Iron Front which are antifascist. I was recruited to join through Reddit after I made a fake white supremacist Facebook account where I befriend actual Nazis, go through their accounts, report all their Nazi posts and get them banned, again and again. I also posted all their pictures to r/beholdthemasterrace so they were all dragged out from the rocks they live under, which Reddit eventually banned me for, when a couple of the Nazis figured out that they were on the subreddit with their stupid swastikas and Heils. I modded r/antifascist after I was recruited before my ban, and did some serious catfishing of Nazis on the side with the group, including convincing Enrique Tarrio that we were a 20 something year old Republican college age girl and having him send a dick pic,which I have still and it is a sad fash wiener. We also outed a Marine as a Nazi to his commanding officer and he was dishonorably discharged, and I personally outed via a journalist for Antihate a guy in northern BC who was a Christian Identity white supremacist who was arrested and later convicted of murdering his young girlfriend who he had a young son with despite their being a publication ban. As well as some other stuff, I've worked with journalists and even an FBI joint task force detective who I gave a couple of Capitol rioters too, but I don't think they were even prosecuted. Most of my time I devote to befriending Nazis and trying to inform their jobs that they are Nazis, which I have succeeded at.
I forgot my meds yesterday and am kind of hypomanic today which is why I'm even talking about this, but yeah we do actually do a lot. I'll show you Enrique's peener if you want.
The need for anti fascism didn't stop with the arrests of January 6th
Antifa is a position, not a group. Individual anti-fascist groups often get reported as "antifa" as a way to give the impression of an organization, but there isn't really one.
In Germany they're very much still using Antifa like that
What does bones of the moon mean?
First they came for the Communists
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Communist
Then they came for the Socialists
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Socialist
Then they came for the trade unionists
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a trade unionist
Then they came for the Jews
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Jew
Then they came for me
And there was no one left
To speak out for me -
The name of a book by Jonathan Carroll.