Trump to impose 25% to 100% tariffs on Taiwan-made chips, impacting TSMC
That only the washing and corporate gremlins that want an empire. They should be recycled as cat food.
Eventually humanity will rid itself of the imperial disease. Or perish.
They are also billionaire's stooges. They're just the "good cop" part of the arrangement. When we politely accept their domination rather than rebelliously accept their domination. Those are the only two choices.
The grift is obvious for anyone paying attention but a lot of his base doesn’t realize that they pay almost no tax because of credits and deductions. Tariffs will hit the working class hard.
There has been a lot of greatness in US, but the people fighting the good fights seem to be losing right now. Just slowly, a little year by year. Hopefully this a kick in the pants too fucking far and we wake the fuck up and see we have to actually do something about it.
In the mean time, it is better US (United States) than THEM (The Hegemony of Evil Manchurians)
Bizarre, I guess their business has been running on hopes and dreams instead of money for the past 30 years lol.
that was my assumption
Gosh Tim. How is that million dollar personal contribution
directly into Trump’s pocketto Trump’s inauguration fund working out for you? -
They are made in the Netherlands, yeah. ASML