Trump to impose 25% to 100% tariffs on Taiwan-made chips, impacting TSMC
Wasn't this the same justification that America used to send factory jobs overseas? I feel repeating verbatim what the US has stated is the ultimate sign of respect.
Trump is just adhering to US policy.
The US gets an unsinkable aircraft off the coast of PRC, while Taiwan assumes all the risks of a war with PRC.
I hate it that you're so right about this.
Wait until his voters see their toy prices flying up
I thought the US FAB was also going to be a generation behind?
I thought the US FAB was also going to be a generation behind?
China I get, but Taiwan ?
It's literally a US-proxy state -
If anything US should show some respect & lick the boots of EU, Taiwan & India
Good news nobody is hyped for NVIDIA 5000
It will take them 20 years to catch up to the 5-7 years they are behind, even with all the money in the world.
As you say, it's setting up the supply chain.
Nooe, they will just permanently raise prices everywhere and pocket bigger margins.
*their, i am not from le usa
I'm sure that orange fuck will try to sell it to "beautiful" president Xi, or to clean it out to stop the conflict, or something like that, that bubbles up in his senile demented brain.
The dismantling of the US was Putins wet dream since forever, he would have done the same with or without the well deserved sanctions for invading Ukraine.
And how exactly has TSMC shown "disrespect"?
Putting corporations aside and speaking of states: the US is a store that Taiwan frequently shops in - a very big defense equipment store, I should say. Some of the toys cost money, but if you buy enough, you get kickbacks - the US gives Taiwan some security assistance for free.
Meanwhile, Taiwan is a store the world frequently shops in - a very big microprocessor, memory and microcontroller store. Frequent customers can tell TSMC "hey, it would be nice if you brought some of your business here". And it works that way: one factory will be built in the US, one factory in the EU. Maybe elsewhere too.
Will this affect cpu prices? I don't know much about my computer's gut's guts
I am a US worker and TSMC execs spoke shot a our the user workers and said we get paid too much.
I am expected to tolerate such behavior from a foreign corpo parasite when my taxes are spent to defend them?
Y'all, can't conceptualize the separation here lol
Y'all got some weak reading comp here lol
TSMC execs spoke shot a our the user workers