Why more young men in Germany are turning to the far-right
I mean, fair, but a lot of the "why" with these guys boils down to "The world acts like all men are terrible, sex-crazed jerks who are violent, angry, and unable to control their emotions while claiming they're actually stoic and that makes me feel bad about myself."
Then, their solution is to double down on all those things because they're upset about being unfairly accused.
Look, if your response to people assuming you're a shitty person is to just... become an even shittier person to prove it, I think it says there was something deeply wrong with you before you doubled down.
I've heard the same shit about men my whole life and not fucking once did it make me go "God damn, I should just be a pile of shit then!" No, every time it inspired me to self-reflect and try to change my behaviors for the better.
What speech is being made illegal, exactly?
Not surprising, given the same people are pushing the same rhetoric all over the world.
That reaction of doubling-down in response to sexism and the (sometimes impolitely stated, but most often true) accusations of masculine malfeasance in broader society is, itself, mostly created by social circumstances - how we socialize young men. Again, they are not born like that, they are not born as people who will become more sexist if accused of sexism or shown sexism in broader society, inherently; they are damaged into creatures which react like that. We must understand where this happens, how this happens - in the very many ways that it does happen - and how to counter it when removing the circumstances is not an immediate option.
They're referring to hate speech.
They're not technically wrong, it is censorship and illegal speech to outlaw hate speech. But it takes malicious selfishness and a lack of empathy to actually take issue with it imo.
Lack of selfishness & empathy? How about your lack of self-awareness & forethought? These groups are growing because that is what censoring speech does. It causes people to see those groups as victimized & gives them legitimacy in their eyes.
Welcome to web 4.0, where the vocal minority monopolizes all of our feeds
Fascism is literally an ideology driven by a spiteful vibe. Parade your disdain for the identity of somebody else long enough, they will embrace the worst aspects to oppose you and mythesize these aspects into virtues.
Yup. Seeing it first hand with a shorts addict relative right now. It‘s just doomscrolling all the way to the 4th Reich for many of them. It‘s sadly not surprising but all the more horrifying to see how utterly unequipped we are to deal the pace of „social“ media and how easy it is to spread far right ideology with lies and memes. I think a ban of TikTok and Xitter is inevitable at this point. They‘re too far gone.
You might not like to hear this but the media is far from innocent of building the image of young, struggling men being prone to violence and not being trustworthy while it also still fuels the imagery of the older, tough as nails ‘hero’ they wish to become but are not allowed to.
A certain gender controls the media by a vast, vast majority. That gender is not women.
So you're essentially blaming men for blaming men.
I think it’s largely about a lack of opportunity for, especially but not exclusively, blue collar workers^1^ and a perceived loss of status. There seems to be a lot of young men across the West and elsewhere who are struggling to build a career in the modern economy and being rejected by women (in part due to their anger) when, to them, it feels like just a generation or two ago, they would have been handed a middle class life and been the breadwinner for a family already.
Nevermind that a generation or two ago, that status came at the expense of others. To them, it feels like lost status. So, they’re easily manipulated by the far right saying, “It’s not you. It’s [insert scapegoat: women, immigrants, whatever]. We’ll give you a sense of purpose.”
^1^ I only say blue collar because of the shift in rich countries from manufacturing to services, whether high paid or low paid. But whole white collar professions have disappeared just due to computers.
Germany isn't doing that bad though. This is happening all over, regardless of how comfortable the country's white boys are. Of course, not capitalists will stop it, because they hope to profit from the divide.
Many families in Germany face a precarious future, and your dismissal of the concerns of young people will definitely not make them more reasonable when it comes to the election. There are enormous financial challenges for a lot of Germans, and unlike in the U.S., White people are just as much affected as all the others.
So it's our disdain of them that causes them to be disdainful?
These challenges were also there before social media, never said Germany is doing great either. Social media definitely played a part in changing consciousness, but in stead of class consciousness, we got right wing grifting, which happens to be the most profitable for social media companies.
Nazis are back
There was a time that I thought the world hated nazis. I realize now it was only hitler the world didn’t like. It turns out they actually love Nazis.
The world hates losers.
That is what I used to think too. Turns out the world loves losers. It was only hitler they didn’t like.