Why more young men in Germany are turning to the far-right
It is a lack of understanding and communication, most certainly. That goes both ways of course.
they are not born as people who will become more sexist if accused of sexism or shown sexism in broader society, inherently; they are damaged into creatures which react like that.
You conveniently defined away a possibility there, didn't you. There is preciously little understanding in fifth or sixth wave or whatever is it now feminist circles about how their rhetoric affects young guys, that there even needs to be a conversation about "all men" speaks volumes. Paint with a broad brush and you paint yourself as an adversary of people who, at a young age, approach the topic completely neutrally.
People become Nazis when they feel lost, powerless, and their lives meaningless. They reach for it in a desperate attempt to be part of something important, powerful, and meaningful.
But it’s empty and nihilistic, so it doesn’t work out.
We as a society haven’t figured out how to deal with modernity. All our problems are of our own making. We’ve destroyed religion (the original provider of meaning and belonging) and left a void in its place. That’s all the desire for Nazism is: a desire to fill that void (and a scapegoat for why it exists in the first place).
Of course you and I can see that the scapegoat is wrong and totally absurd. But that’s not important to them. There’s no easier way to feel powerful than to topple a hated enemy.
So according to you this would all be better if hate speech wasn't banned?
I'm not aware of a country that's swinging right where living standards are rising. They're all either stalled out or falling in spite of narrative and expectation. Sure, Germany isn't bad compared to some others, but plenty of Germans recognize that the standard of living they're used to is starting to diminish. Unfortunately, instead of recognizing the real causes here, that angst is being channeled into "yes, but what if we tried out fascism again?"
The thing that's wild to me as a USian is that we've had the fruits of reactionary conservatism (starting on the path with Reaganism) on full display since the oughts, and other countries seem to see our shambling fucking mess and go "well, yes, but the rich people told us it'll be different for us." No, it fucking won't.
Hate speech doesn't exist. If someone issues a direct threat, like "kill that person" then that is a crime.
You're not answering my question.
Without this censorship, in your idea, far right groups wouldn't exist.
Do you agree?
There numbers would be dwindling without censorship, not growing. They'd be easier to identify, but also easier to talk to & listen to your perspective. You don't win people over through violence.
I hope you're from Quebec
I want to add a third thing to this list:
- Feeling left behind by mainstream political parties.
The parties in power surely pay lip service to the issues that concern the young but very rarely do they actually do anything about it.
You aren’t being funny here. You are making a sexist claim and that isn’t funny.
Funny that this somehow was obvious for me since childhood. One of the perks of being autistic is that reading the same mainstream narrative texts you understand them differently.
The world loves those enforcing rules, because they have to be strong for that, and the world loves those breaking rules, because if today they are making a challenge, tomorrow they might become even stronger. Humans follow strength. So a new challenger of existing order is loved, a yesterday's challenger who is still not a triumphant is hated.
Also the world wants to use those with integrity, but hang out with those without integrity. The former are reliable, and with the latter you can make any deal.
No conclusion other than a dagger is good for the one holding it and evil for the one lacking it when needed.
America has the second or third worst fascist problem. Currently Russia and Hungary have them beat.
You aren’t being funny here.
Good thing I specifically said I wasn't trying to be funny then.
I think there are obviously a lot of reasons this is happening, we all know it’s not so simple a thing to explain.
But I think it can mostly just be boiled down to general discontent—there is a feeling all over the world that is vague and seemingly in everyone. It’s disenfranchisement. It’s a system that doesn’t prioritize us or even consider us. We serve the system, and the exploitation for the benefit of the global system has become so acute that it’s hitting everyone.
But people just cannot conceive of big problems like this. It always has to be something specific, so their more personal fears and biases are being exploited by the most advanced conditioning and manipulation system ever created.
We are mico-conditioned. We are exploited in new and exciting and previously unthinkable ways. We are so minutely controlled that we aren’t even in control of our own feelings most of the time. We have our moods changed for companies to profit or to weaken us to whatever it is their product “fixes.”
We can dig down into so much minutiae about the different things, but that’s like dividing Infinity over and over and over as Infinitum. But we need to stop subdividing and sub-subdividing because that only serves to divide us—which is exactly the tactic used to exploit our vague anger. We need to instead zoom way out and see that this system is taking us down with the world it’s destroying. We all feel it, we all feel the system breaking down. But that uneasiness is given a face and a name in immigrants, or whatever is helpful.
Not having to fight an uphill battle against a small, but vocal minority of women pushing young men into the false comfort of adversarial relations (and its gurus) would help a lot. Don't actively do damage, is all I'm asking from the female side here. Men didn't invent, say, the ick trend. I can roll my eyes at it, thirty years younger me didn't have that luxury, and getting young boys to ignore it is more involved than just saying "they're stupid, self-absorbed and immature". Shit can do psychological damage, self-image issues, that need healing. The gist is men by and large aren't built for psychological warfare and lots of women have no idea what kind of strays they're firing.